[@Americore] [color=7ea7d8]Nodding his head to what Luke says he's going to call him. [color=0072bc]"Good choice"[/color] Julian says as he looks around a little. He was of sorts a bit curious about everything so he kind of had to take a look around when he wasn't being talked to or wasn't talking. [color=0072bc]"They keep me busy. I have to run around fixing everything that is attached to System Engineer. Though I stay up a little too late sometimes working. Diana controls my section do you know her? She's in mid thirty's and has dark brown hair. Kind of tall for a female."[/color] Since Julian got to EDEN he worked under Diana. She taught him the ropes and then pushed him off the cliff so he could catch them. He was a fast learner so he instantly got the hang of everything she taught him in the couple weeks she had to teach him. Till this day Julian is still learning more things about EDEN. He strolled over with the guy to the crates that got set down somewhat in front of him. He remembered the crates names from the paper and smiled when they were the right ones. Though he knew he wasn't gonna be able to carry them all back to the System Engineer room all by himself. He knew they had things to but, he didn't see any insight right now. Seemed slightly confused when Luke asked for 'Jon Hancock' after that sentence he was completely lost in trying to think what he could mean. [i]Signature? Maybe Signature[/i] Though he was still gonna ask Luke what it meant. Since he was unsure of the statement. [color=0072bc]"Do you want my signature that means?"[/color] Julian asks with a tone of voice that says 'I don't really know what you want to please explain' as he stares at Luke now. [/color]