"Firefly" - 1x1 with Rhapsody [b]Main Characters[/b] [hider=Subject EL124B37H (Elizabeth)] [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ7oAbbYXJ5AVouhgXjZigFGfV4oRlYXjTaR_RJST1xB2P7lg5K[/img] Name: Subject EL124B37H Alias: Elizabeth Garson Age: unknown. Claims 22. Bio: Created to become the ultimate weapon, Subject EL124B37H, 37 as she is sometimes refereed to, was trained from birth in all manners of fighting, subterfuge, espionage, and hacking. She recently defected for reasons unknown and went on the run. Fleeing to the outer planets, she assumed the identity of one Elizabeth Garson. She tries to constantly keep moving knowing that her enemies will never really let her go. Character: Given very little interaction in the outside world - aside from missions or training - Elizabeth sometimes misses some of the historical facts of what went on. She is however trained to interact with humans so she - in some ways - is able to behave like 'civilized' individual, though certain things will trigger her defense mechanism. She tries very hard to lay low (though usually failing). Many are surprised when they see a glimpse of what this petite girl can do. [/hider] [hider=Trevor Newfield] [img]https://d919ce141ef35c47fc40-b9166a60eccf0f83d2d9c63fa65b9129.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/images/165688.2e16d0ba.fill-276x245.jpg[/img] Age:28 Bio: Trevor learned to fly at a very young age on his family's ranch on one of the outer planets. When war broke out, he signed up to fly for the Independents "Browncoats". After the war, he did odd pilot jobs where he met [Your MC - captain]. Starting with a short stunt, he has been flying with her ever since. He's loyal to a fault and a good confidant. He's a very good pilot and has been known to land in areas that most people avoid. He is extremely skilled and has been known to get out of several sticky situations. He is handy with a gun, though he prefers to fight only if he has too. He's not very fond of the Alliance but at the same time is content to not cause trouble. [/hider] [hider=Alexander "Xand" D'Angelo] [img]http://www.ew.com/sites/default/files/styles/tout_image_612x380/public/i/2013/05/10/Vin-Diesel_612x380_0.jpg?itok=csPWOcvh[/img] Age: doesn't share. Bio: Great mechanic. Not much was known about Xand before joining the crew. He was hired on about two years ago and has proven to be an excellent mechanic. He is also big into working out and loves to show off whenever they go "ashore". Though not necessary a trouble maker he has been known to get into fights. He is constantly flirts with the ship's medic and seems to have a good relationship with the crew overall. He's outgoing, sometimes a bit rude, but overall someone you wouldn't mind having to watch your back. [/hider]