[hider=Union] [center][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/2740/i/2012/188/0/6/byzantine_empire_flag_by_black_cat_rebel-d56cnix.png[/img] [h3][color=yellow]The Union[/color][/h3] [/center] [hider=Bastion] [img]http://www.socwall.com/images/wallpapers/24725-1920x1200.jpg[/img] Bastion is the capitol city built around the remains of an old space elevator. It boasts multiple levels and underground dwellings. Across from the mesa is another large portion of the city that borders one of the larger oasis. In various locations around the outskirts of the city are underground factories that produce many of the civilian and military goods for the nation. Further out is a large number of farms, which draw water via aqueducts and wells, that produces both crops and meats. Years of restoration and maintenance have led to a rather clean and 'modern' city compared most areas, almost reminiscent of how life was before the war. Bastion was, before the war, a massive city and logistics star port built around the mesa IV space elevator. The was took its toll as the elevator was destroyed, damaging the city and littering the nearby desert with large rings that still rust to this day. It was an ideal place for refuge due to its defensible canyons. After it was established there was only growth as many far and wide migrated there. Safety was high as a well funded police force maintained the last bit of law that remained in the world. It boasts a diverse population of nearly 500,000. [/hider] [hider=Fort Castello] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/bb/7f/22/bb7f224361286925778a4ac3f3426c5f.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Pariah] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/1df8/f/2013/086/2/c/desert_village_by_crs1009-d5zij53.jpg[/img] Pariah is the newest addition to the Union. It was a hive of slavery and crime that had long plagued the Union. The now ex-president Pohr had long toyed with the idea of taking it out by bombing it to oblivion, but backlash would've been his undoing. Instead he hired mercenaries to infiltrate and remove the "Problem" people. A short civil war occurred within the city and its major factions. After it was said and done, Union troops marched in under the pretense of liberating the "common man" and has since flown its flag over the once sprawling coliseum. Many say to this day that standing in the now empty coliseum, you can still hear the cries for help from long dead slaves. [/hider] The six states, Reach: the largest of the six and home to the nations capitol, boasts the largest population and military bases. Legend has it that it was named this after a man tried to reach the top of the elevator's remains.. and fell to his death. No one is sure why they decided on that name. Rashida: Named for a famous warrior that led people to safety, it is the most militant of the group. It's people are prideful and stubborn. As well as making a sizable contribution of the nations federal military. When the people from reach decided to found the Union, Rashida was the first to join under the stipulation that they have much say in military affairs. It's been decades and the lines between Reach and Rashida have blurred beyond recognition. If not for a piece of paper showing the state lines, many would consider it one big unified nation. Billings: A more so industrial nation. it has prided itself on its mercantile practice which was a large target for bandits and raiders. It wasn't a difficult choice for them to join the Union after they vowed to eradicate a raider group called the syndicate. The Union followed through. Kells refuge: If there was a polar opposite to the beauty of the nations Capitol, Bastion, this is it. Home to the crumbling tower, Which is a fortress built inside a fallen sky scraper. Various trailers and cars with tarps bolted to the top, built into odd shanties, are typical around the once mighty city. Gorrah: More refer to it as "the garden" Leader(s): [hider=President Tera Hostead] [img][/img] [/hider] Persons of Importance: Racial Demographics and Population: Culture and Religion: History:(same with character bios) Military: Other: [/hider]