[h2]Minami Fuuka[/h2] "... Haah, I guess it might not have been anything much," Fuuka remarked with a sigh. If it wasn't anything too exciting, well... it WAS hard to tell what was going on, and that pizza did look pretty tasty... Besides, she'd put all that effort into smashing that stupid vending machine, hadn't she? It'd be a shame to abandon all those drinks. Moments away from committing to sitting down and eating, however, her cell phone rang. [hr] [h2]Kitagawa Miyu[/h2] "E-er..." Nervous about how she hadn't noticed the blipping immediately, Miyu hesitantly reached down and tapped her console. Almost immediately, a rather harsh female voice came over the line. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING?!" the owner shouted, making Miyu's ears droop as she winced. "I-I apologize, Vice-Captain," she half-mumbled. Ah... she hadn't meant to miss the call signal, but she'd been so distracted... and of course, that meant something serious was going on. And she'd... missed it. Her embarrassment swelling considerably the moment that fact sunk in, the rabbitgirl at least took solace in the fact that it wasn't the Captain. While the Vice-Captain's anger was scary, it was nothing compared to what the Captain would do to her... or worse, the Director herself. "This is no time for weak apologies, Kitagawa-san," the irritable voice said over the line, "There's some kind of intrusion in Sectors Zero and One." There was a voice in the background, and the Vice-Captain sighed. "Sectors Bunny and... Cheesecake?! That's not even an animal!" she snapped, but after a moment's pause she simply sighed again. "E-eh?" Miyu's eyes widened, "But that's right on top of us!" "That's right," replied the Vice-Captain, "But there hasn't been any sightings. Contact every agent and tell them to be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary, and to be ready for combat at a moment's notice!" ""R-right..." Miyu took a deep breath, before tapping another button on her console. This would immediately contact all Outbreakers in the area, via their cell phones. It was a pretty nifty trick, at least. "This is First Lieutenant Kitagawa Miyu!" she declared, putting on her most unwavering tone, "There's been an intrusion in Sectors Zero and One, be on the lookout for anything unusual, and be prepared for combat at a moment's notice!" [hr] [h2]Minami Fuuka[/h2] "Ah, okay, okay," Fuuka said, cell to her ear. The little charm with the guitar girl hanging off it dangled off as she spoke. "Yeah." She hung up, and looked to what she was doing with her left hand. The robot that hand suddenly dropped down and tried to punch her was large and red about ten feet tall and with grey detailing. It's head was almost shaped like a UFO, with two fins coming off the sides. In Fuuka's opinion, it looked like of stupid. Right now, she had blocked its fist with her arm. "Haah, if you had to interrupt our lunch, couldn't you have been less lame?" the black-haired schoolgirl lamented with a sigh. Slipping her phone back in her pocket, she curled her right hand into a fist. "This kinda thing just pisses me off." She moved her left arm out of the way, letting the robot's momentum carry itself forward as she twisted in place, grabbing its arm with enough force to dent the armor. Winding up with a punch, she drove her right fist into an uppercut hard enough that the impact caused the robot's chest to explode out of his back in a shower of shrapnel and cables. Fuuka wrenched the robot's arm out of its socket as the disabled heap of metal crumpled to the ground. "Oi, White-san, Tamachan," she said, glancing towards the other two girls as she tossed the arm away. "I think there's gonna be more." She smiled. "Wanna time me?" It was about then that two... three... no, four... wait, five... six... okay, it ended up about ten of the robots, dropping down and landing on the rooftop. [hr] [h2]???[/h2] Further away, in a location many agents(and possibly uninvolved people) would likely see, A strange black orb materialized in the air, then stretched upward and spread open to reveal... a [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1782/974dc3c954892b2fcbe015ebb41099ba52943ca0.png?1864694]young woman with light brown, nearly blonde, hair[/url], dressed as a witch, floating in mid-air with a pleased smile on her face. "Haah, those spiritual protections would have been a hassle..." she commented, before waving her hand causally. Civilians in the streets looked up in shock and confusion. "Come on out, everyone! Let's have a blast together~" As she waved her hand, a strange, black, tarry substance began to pool in many locations across the street, buildings.. all over. It was thick, spiritual corrupt, that manifested everywhere except the most rigorously pure of places. Normally harmless, and generally only in very small amounts in most places, when given a strong enough guiding hand... blobs of the substance rose from the ground, small, white eyes bulging out of the black ichor that composed the blobs. Naturally, this lead to quite a panic among the civilians. Though... right now, the blobs were really only capable of making a mundane person fall seriously, but not lethally, ill. It wasn't exactly a life-threatening situation, right now, but hardly one that should be allowed to keep going. "Ahhh~" the witch girl licked her lips, "Mmm, let's see you cause more chaos and confusion~ Make my heart race~"