[@Ellri] Any religious types would likely view her as something of a target. Though bear in mind most of Nyhem is very accepting of mages (at least in comparison to the rest of Formaroth). This is the status that mages have across the various different kingdoms: [u]Generally accepted (with notable exceptions) [/u] Cawanor Uzgob Ralda Sypius Telamrion Windermire Alenius [u]Treated with suspicion[/u] Nash Orog Akki Coruneon/Rathikun [u]Treated with general hostility (with notable exceptions)[/u] Thralreth Raeldar Glarmion [@PhoenixWhite] How would you say mages are treated in Alenius? (added) Edit: [@Brithwyr] how is your character sheet coming along?