Redding remembered David. He was knocking on Redding's door on Christmas eve with a sack full of caps. It was Christmas, and David was a polite man so he cut the guy a holiday deal. Two girls, one at a half-price. Francine and Kristi. He frowned at the memory of Francine, she'd died only an hour ago and Ramirez must be having fun burying her and chopping up the fucker that killed her so they could dump him somewhere. He needed something more than a drink, some pills or Med-X. “Said he had a business opportunity for you.” David said. Redding looked up from the bartop, “Did he now?” He asked, “And I'll get a beer.” Once David returned with his chilled bottle, he slid a few caps forward, “Thank you, David. You remember how I cut you that holiday deal when I didn't have to? Well, I need to ask you something, these caps and a free half-hour with one of my girls is in it for you if you can dig out any information from that beautiful brain of yours might be important to me.” He looked over both his shoulders for anyone that looked particularly suspicious. When he saw nothing, he gave David his best wolf's grin, “I'd like to know about the ghoul that was in here. Heard he arrived in town with some friends, know anything?”