[center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46225469/RP/Tamako/Tamako_p.png[/img] — Outbreak Agency Rooftop —[/center] Head cocked to one side, Tamako nodded to herself and replied to the notification by without a sound coming from her mouth. The android sowly crouched down and placed the pizza box on the ground. Even as the first robot was promptly disposed of her head disappeared within he large bag and came out with a pair of small spheres, each with several nodes that, despite being as black as could be imagined, gave off the impression that they glowed. "Not knowing the extent of the situation, we should proceed with caution." Two quick movements sent the pair of literal time bombs sailing towards a pair of the robots. Even as those were in midair Tamako once again retreived a piece of weaponry from the bag, this time a multi toned blue assault rifle. Half a heartbeat later the grenades went off, surrounding a pair of the robots in pitch black bubbles of halted time. As her opponents weren't what could be considered 'people' (though she might in some way think of them as being kin to herself) these weapons could be used. At this moment the girl shouldered the rifle to steady it and aimed at a third robot assailant. The other two weren't currently threats and wouldn't be for another couple of seconds. As one of them had already made the unforunate decision to attack Minami-senpai they were dicided to be hostile and she pulled the trigger in a short controlled burst. Even as the spent bras casings were still in the air Tamako pivoted at the waist and fired a possibly overkill number of bullets at each of the frozen robots.