So, to facilitate some conversation, anyone want to talk about the Team building stuff? Me and [@Liliya] have already discussed something for when they first all met up that I think would be pretty cool. As for the rest of it, what do you guys think should be the place we destroyed? I'm thinking a mall, or maybe a part of one? Like, we're all just minding our own business(or on a patrol) when some villain shows up, we all dawn our respective costumes and battle stances,m then things go down hill from there. No casualties, a few injuries, and a lot of property damage that Ina swears is entirely the villain's fault. "Like, I'm telling you he has some flamethrower or something on him when we fought? How else can you explain the fat that the Macy's is on fire. And before you ask,he put chemicals in the fire to make it blue, and it's just a coincidence that my hellfyre is also blue."