Now the she was free from the mysterious creature's grasp, Spinel pulled herself to her feet and examined them. Her enormous yellow eyes showing no change in expression, her unwavering stare lasted for several minutes. Spinel focused all her energy into analyzing the new being, soaking up every last bit of visual information she could, unaware that this could possibly be intimidating to the creature. She prepared to speak only when she felt she'd learned enough. "I'll take that to mean that you can't speak then." she finally responded. "Although, it does appears that you can understand me, yes? That is good, we have a baseline at least. You appear to have unusual size and strength, and your frontal appendages seem well-suited for digging, so why were you in such a hurry to leave the ground? Was my assessment correct, and there [i]is[/i] something dangerous down there, or are you just confused?" Spinel took a step toward the creature, slowly so as not to startle it further, and reached out toward its face to move its hair out of the way. "So, you do have eyes. Considering your apparent function I wasn't sure if you needed them. Perhaps the surface is too bright for you? Are you experiencing some form of sensory overload? Do you need help finding your way back underground?" [@Loony]