[h2]Jennifer White[/h2] The universe seemed to not want them to have anything to eat. First there was the interruption in the cafeteria and now--right as she had suggested eating and [i]then[/i] fighting off whatever invaders were coming--their peaceful rooftop picnic had been blocked before they could even get started. Jennifer would normally have let Fuuka eliminate the opponents on her own but being denied food was annoying... and she could even get some practice in. For this, it would have to be a katana... and given their opponents, restricting it to wood might impede the practice. An ordinary steel blade it was, then: one was quickly drawn from the bag, scabbard and all, before the girl darted towards what seemed to be a nice group of three clustered together. Draw, cut, clean, sheathe; draw, cut, clean, sheathe... the movements weren't as familiar to her as the pace of a normal battle but targets like this might as well have been stationary. Having to focus on proper form was a good way of dealing with the frustration from the delayed pizza, even if it was over too soon. Jennifer returned the blade to its scabbard for the final time before straightening and looking at the three seemingly intact robots. Some signal fired, urging the three to move. They tried. The sliced machines collapsed, falling into a heap of neat chunks as friction no longer sufficed to hold them together against the numerous cuts. The swordsman frowned at this, feeling that something was... off about it. It seemed that she ought to practice a bit more: the marks on each weren't identical despite the same repeated forms. At least it gave her something to work towards learning.