|My sheet thus far, not done yet, I want to add Nova Prime in detail as well as work on the military. Still, it should be serviceable enough for government work. [hider=The Illuminated Cybran] [center] [h1]The Illuminated Cybran[/h1] (A.K.A The Maidens of Steel) Faction Type: Technocratic Monastic Order Capital: Nova Prime Holdings(if applicable): Flag/Banner [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/56/f2/d8/56f2d8e26e60f7f8a82646cbae651314.jpg[/img] Leader(s): Abbess Nova Schema, [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8c/2f/8a/8c2f8a8ebe2f18f9922821bb5a5a7786.jpg]Peldana Angirus[/url] Mistress Of The Forge, Sanoa Hassuceius Mechina Prioress, [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/bc/8e/f4/bc8ef4cffb782787668027b912cbe7ec.jpg]Farintea Opsus[/url] Persons of Importance: Iron Priestess, [url=http://68.media.tumblr.com/ae2503e38ff7d33aae4bd27774afe6dc/tumblr_nw606vUmhu1rhi2obo2_1280.jpg]Rasatis Acilimius[/url] Racial Demographics and Population: Most of the members of the many Cybran coven’s are humans, though there exists a few from members of other species of the waste. Religion: The Illuminated Cybran believe that the calamity was primarily caused by the weaknesses of the flesh, such as emotion and, hate rather than pure logic. As a result of this, the Cybran maidens set about purging those weaknesses from themselves over the decades that followed, smothering their resentment with cold reason and accelerating the process of augmenting their flesh with cybernetics. They have begun to call this process and belief ‘The Way’. The technology found on Nova was some of the last blueprints for cybernetic and bionic technology in the wasteland. The Cybrans’ also believe that the greatest pursuit that exists is the pursuit of knowledge. Only in shedding one's flesh can one achieve true perfection and knowledge. Believers tend to live lives of asceticism, though many would consider it "unnatural asceticism" as it involves slowly replacing one's body with painful cybernetics. The higher members ranking in The Way tend to hardly resemble humans any more. Cybrans’ also revere the Deus Ex Machina, and that their belief that their goddess (see history) exists in all forms of technology. Which is somewhat true due to the A.I’s ability to interface with some forms of technology that are within proximity. Some within the order have taken the belief that becoming more machine like themselves means becoming one with their divine mother. Others have taken to believing that they will transcend their own mortality itself and become gods in their own right. There are a few ranks that exist within the Maidens of Steel-- from lowest to highest; Novice Gear: This is the lowest rank within the Illuminated Cybran. The rule of the Orders is harsh and a Novice Sister, or more rarely brother, must endure many hardships during her training. Self-denial, rigid discipline, and religious contemplation are indivisible parts of their training. They are armed not only with skills needed to defend the Novahome but also with training that teaches them to work with basic machinery and technology. Machina Acolyte: The next stage of training takes place as a novice advances in the Cybran order. They are largely responsible for maintenance of much on Nova Prime as well as dissembling and building gear the order will need. They often get attached to teams sent to oasis cities to aid Forge Masters in their duties in the latter stages of their training. These Sisters often return to Nova Home even firmer in their convictions and honed in their skills. Machina Advance - In the final stage of the Novitiate, before they are inducted into the full rank of Illuminated Cog, the Novice’s learning encompasses the use of the Cybran’s sacredly ordained equipment and building of their first bionic components. At this level, the Sister confirms her complete devotion to the Machina Creed. Unaugmented as they are; they often act as a go-between with outsiders as they are deep enough within- and knowledgeable enough by their respective coven to be trusted with such tasks. Illuminated Cog (Or Cog Sister/brother)- The Sister/Brother is the basic rank of the Illuminated Cybran after a man or woman has completed her training and taken her vows to the Deus Machina. When n Iron Priestess deems the novice ready, the novice is asked to join the order. If she accepts, she's given her first cybernetic implant then follows a formal service during which she is given the outer robe (that will one day serve to hide her augments) and veil (to hide her built in respirator) to wear, and (because she is now dead to the world and to be reborn in iron) receives a new name. Electro Ranger- A special ranking within the order that often is made up of members tasked with far-ranging into the wastes to find old technology or chart out possible sites for recovery teams. Electro-priests are also trained in the orders martial arts and make for fanatical warriors and are tasked with using their cybernetic abilities to support Iron-priest Warriors, Combat Automatons and the Illuminated Cybrans’ dedicated combat mechs, the Cybernetica Guard in battle. Iron Priestess/Priest- The next level for the Illuminated Cybran takes place some years after the first implant when the Abbess feels the sister has reached a level of augments, discipline, dedication, and knowledge. Once again, in a formal service, the sister is elevated to the "Little Schema" which is signified by additions to her body of certain symbolic bionics. Also, the abbess increases the sister’s access to the grand archives databases. They often specialize in the customization, or building of weapons, armor, and general wargear for expeditions. Mech Priestess Superior- Equal in rank to an Iron Priest though their duty revolves around the maintaining of the orders walkers, vehicles,and automatons. Many are augmented to better repair larger vehicles, usually by using much larger apparatuses built into their backs A Schema Multis is an Iron priest skilled in mathematics and data analysis which serves in the role of a logistician, data analyst, or statistician. His purpose is to predict future large-scale demographic, sociological or demographic trends and make forecasts about the required expenditure or other strategic needs. Master of the Forge- The highest rank any male member of the order is able to achieve. As for whatever reason, the A.I has always favored a woman for speaking to directly. It is speculated it has developed a kind of distrust for men from events in its past. In any case, Masters of the Forge are some of the most skilled and talented engineers in the wasteland. Becoming capable in the fixing of anything from most vehicles to wargear, or basic equipment. This makes them something of a jack of all trades, a Master or Mistress of the Forge studies several scientific and engineering disciplines, including chemistry, genetics, metallurgy and more. Their lives are extended thanks to many augmentations to their body they have many decades, and sometimes centuries of experience. The top masters form a kind of advisory court, called the Iron Council who oversee the many days to day decisions of the order. Fabricator Schema- A major spiritual leader of the order the Fabricator Schema is the second highest-ranking individual within Nova Prime. The Fabricator Locum assists the Abbess Nova Schema with the governance of Nova Prime, including the meeting of production quotas and ensuring the correct devotions to the Deus Machina are observed at all times. Often head of the Iron council of advisors. Abbess Nova Schema- The head of the order and the voice of Nova Prime’s A.I, who is often referred to as the Deus Machina. She is also the overall spiritual leader of the Order. In military matters, she is assisted by the Mechina Prioress of the Cybernetica Guard. [/center] [/hider] [hider= Histroy, Culture & Relgion] The Illuminated Cybran have become so infamous for their extensive use of bionics, that they have often been referred to by outsider wastelanders as [i]The Maidens Of Steel[/i], even though there exist a few male members these days. Among the first bionics’ given is that of a synthetic voice modulator that serves the dual purpose of filtering out foul air and dust (as it comes in the form of a built-in gas mask/respirator) but allowing them to talk in binary code. A type of speech that to a purely organic without the right implants hears as garbled nonsense code. This passion for mechanical invention, lack of access to medicine, and the frequency of industrial accidents in Nova Prime not only means cybran’s seek bionics’ because of their religious beliefs but also out of necessity which leads to a reliance on cybernetics that they are remarkable for today. The cybrans’ have further developed physical cybernetic enhancements in place of microbe theory and blood transfusion, and a vast majority employ significant mechanical bodily enhancement during their lifetime. Aside from the voice boxes’, replacement limbs and visual enhancement are the most common procedures; however the cybran are also capable of sophisticated internal adaptations, often aimed at combating the health problems they face as a result of spending most of their lives in the claustrophobic environment of Nova Prime. This ability to easily replace defective organs and limbs with efficient cybernetic replacements has significantly boosted the possible lifespan of the average Cybran. However, their population has remained stable as a result of the scourge of industrial accidents in their home from experiments, and the likelihood of newer models of replacement organs going catastrophically wrong due to lack of proper resources. [/hider] [hider= History] The Illuminated Cybran were once an order of regular humans who had survived the great calamity. This all-female order of monastic women soon took a pilgrimage through the wastelands seeking a safe heaven as they fled from those raiders who had been born from the Calamity. Soon they found a huge derelict spaceship that had crashed during the Calamity. Deciding to settle the area they order took refuge within the spaceship, named Nova Prime after the lettering on its side. A month later a large group of raiders and scavengers attacked the order hoping to salvage parts of the ship. Pushed deeper into the ship than they had ever been to before, the sisters of the order were desperate and knew their time was close to the end. So deep within the vessel, the Matriarch of the order discovered a powerful A.I of the ship's central computer systems. Though severely damaged at the time the A.I managed to convince the Matriarch to enter an enclosed chamber. Alone no one knew what the two discussed, but an agreement was quickly made. Shortly after the Raiders breached into the ship proper they were suddenly met with fierce resistance. Not from the pacifist order, but from newly awakened automatons used for the ship's security many ages ago. The unexpected and sudden counter-attack threw the numerically superior Raiders into confusion and chaos, many fleeing from before the Iron Men. In return for saving their lives, the sisters went on to revere the A.I and the machines that save their lives. Over the many decades and intervening years, the order soon merged their old beliefs with that of their new loyalty to the A.I. After the Calamity, and once the Order had recovered from the scavenger attack, the Maidens of Steel became recluses, attempting to find ways to make themselves even stronger so that they would be fit for serving The Way as to bring unity to the wasteland. It was at this point they began the practice to make extensive use of bionic modifications, going so far that there are rumors of some battle sisters being wholly mechanical. Maidens of Steel consider the greatest honor they can receive is to be transformed into exceptionally rare symborgs. The Cybran have supplemented their numbers with taking in orphans or raid survivors from the wastelands. In the current age, they have begun solidifying their power and seeking out the lost Data cubes at the behest of the A.I Deus Machina. [/hider] [hider= Military] [img]https://cdna0.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/114/508/large/alex-figini-snow-patrol-04.jpg?1443926708[/img] The military arm of the Maidens is called the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ea/d4/39/ead439652600d315b94af1553e938851.jpg]Cybernetica Guard[/url]. Each of the covens of the Maidens of Steel is responsible for the recruitment through their temple forge or Cybernetica Guard. Those new recruits more attuned toward violence will be taken from nomadic tribes of the wasteland. Only those of great physical and mental strength of will are recruited, and during recruitment, candidates have their "weaknesses" purged from them. Only a few of the Cybernetica Guard are in fact living, members. As the Order has made up for its small size by using Combat Automatons. The Cybernetica Guard are broken into easily manageable fireteams called Covenants numbering only twenty strong. Often a single Covenant will have an individual walker assigned to it. It takes four such Covenants to make a single War Host which will often number eighty guards. The armaments of such are often widely varied due to the cybernetic nature of augmented weaponry on both guardsmen and combat automatons. These allow even a single Covenant an incredible amount of flexibility. Thanks in part to their smaller size to some of the larger super powers of the wasteland. The Cybran military is composed of guerrilla fighters, assassins, skirmishers and light units who hide in the shadows. They wait for the precise moment to attack, and then unleash small surgical strikes that leave their enemies reeling. Infantry- [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/9/95/Assaultron_concept_art.png/revision/latest?cb=20160104190836]Assaultrons[/url]; The assaultron's body seems to be modeled after that of a female figure. They are highly aggressive, fast, and are specialized in close quarters combat as their arms are equipped with retractable dual combat blades. The assaultron's face can charge with red electric energy when it is preparing its laser beam attack often used right before closing in on the enemy. The dominator variant is also equipped with a stealth field. Assaultrons' weak points are their legs. However, when these are destroyed, the assaultron will continue to pursue the target by crawling on the ground. [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120404143236/fallout/images/a/a4/Sentry_bot_CA1.jpg]Securiton[/url]; The Securiton is a powerhouse, equipped with sturdy armor plating, powerful weapons integrated into its chassis and high mobility thanks to mecanum wheels mounted on its three legs. They are armed with dual arm-mounted miniguns or much more rarely a Gatling laser on the right arm, and a missile launcher on the left arm for anti-armor. They have thick armor plating and are possess surprising amounts of mobility. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0c/44/fa/0c44fa88d2ccf3a0bb54265f8761fe03.jpg]Model-1P3X[/url]; Among the most fielded and numerous of automatons the Model-1P3X or, Light Assault Bot (LAB’s for short. LAB’s are among the most flexible of the automatons built and fielded by the Cybernetica Guard. They are often tasked on patrol scavenger missions and have become notorious throughout the wasteland as ‘Iron Locusts.’ In their early days of exclusiveness the Maidens often sent out entire squads of these bots to harvest and salvage entire junk yards, or in many cases ‘cleanse’ a area of by driving off living inhabitants in order to take what they needed. Being machines with very crude and simple V.I’s they saw no distinction between a wastelander local and more dangerous fauna or predators. Modern models are slightly more advanced in terms of processing but still require a Iron Priest for more complex tasks.They are unique in that they often field small arms rather than having these grafted into them. Though several models can be configured with arm blades or mounted arm weapons that use galvanic rounds. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/04/38/7e/04387ea32f84e6f01a109cda83d63781.jpg]Cybran Guard[/url]; These men and women who have chosen the path of the warrior to safeguard Novahome make up the main body of cyborg soldiers. They tend to have basic iron breastplates often surgically attached, along with optical sensor augments. Many have also received emotional-suppression surgery. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ca/1b/48/ca1b489c8cc8eee1d90464049750eedb.jpg [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e8/dd/99/e8dd99d2b14f20945435987af622bc1e.jpg]R-T17 Recon Drone[/url]; The Cybran air scout sports an older design and is pretty typical in its functionality. It has a great scan radius, high speed, no weapons and light armor. The R-T17 uses a sonic resonance scanner that is capable of bridging the gap between conventional radar and sonar. In addition, the R-T17 can be set to fly in stealth mode. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/79/6a/9f/796a9f5060030dbcf0d8d517f542ec75.jpg]Cybran Pioneer[/url]; Originally created to discover new suitable locations to set up smaller outpost settlements. Cybran Pioneers later were further specialized to work alongside Electro Rangers and Recon Drones. As automaton’s go they have some of the most advanced V.I among the Cybran machines of war. Many even given vocal communicative capabilities. Pioneers are the main scouting infantry forces for the Cybernetica Guard of the Illuminated Cybran. As light reconnaissance units, Pioneers Teams are the eyes and ears of their Cybernetica Commander in a way no simple Recon Drone can yet emulate. A Pioneers role is not to engage the enemy, but instead to maximise the efficiency of the rest of their Covenants with their light markers which designate priority enemy targets and guide the fire of their comrades. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/56/f2/d2/56f2d2a452ada619372fb61c226f3242.jpg]Ruststalkers[/url]; Ruststalkers are the brutal Cybran scout troops of the Maidens of Steel, renowned as perhaps the most sinister warriors of the Cybernetica Guard. They are feared throughout the entire wasteland as heartless killing machines. Heavily augmented into more machine than man, the Ruststalker are a hideous, frightening strike force - the height of The Illuminated Cybran posthuman engineering. When hunting, they emit from the domed section of their helmets a white noise that fills all sensory spectrum's with static, leaving their foe disoriented and helpless. Enemies fall, deafened and blinded by the scree of a brutally disruptive audiovisual assault; battles are often decided before even a single kill is confirmed. Infiltrator covenants can bypass enemy defenses with ease, though not because of their stealth but rather their disruptive wavelengths they broadcast when on the move. These scout squads are led by Electro Rangers. Regular Cybran warriors sent to fight alongside Infiltrators are given null-codes that can transmute their disorientated wavelength frequencies, allowing for efficient combined-arms assaults.However, most of the time automatons are used alongside Ruststalkers as they are immune to these wavelengths. As with their Symborg brothers, every Ruststalker was once a Cybran Guard who was grievously injured in battle. If these fallen are judged still fit to serve the Deus Machina, they are not incinerated but instead taken back to be augmented into lethal killing machines. This process can take place as long as a Iron Priest possesses a head, torso, and some limb-stumps. This makes Ruststalkers exceptionally rare. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/bc/f8/05/bcf805a379cdf517a814cdc38c22775e.jpg]Steel Huntress[/url]; Steel Huntresses are a type of Cybran infantry used by the Cybernetica Guard. Relentless hunter-killer infantry, they’re religious zealous dedication causes them to hunt their prey across the wasteland for weeks if need be. Mindful of the harsh terrain of the wasteland, their legs have been removed from the knees down, replaced by cybernetic augmentations. This has made their stamina legendary, and they are known to hunt a foe until it exhausts itself. They are primarily used to recover stolen pieces of technology from raiders or bandits. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f6/32/d7/f632d7d7726a824355f38d312f4b0b52.jpg]Mechanite Assassins[/url]; First inspired by seekers of the Librarios Mechanite assassins were first deployed to hunt and assassinate rogue iron priest who stole valuable research. Their battlefield role is killing important enemy individuals such as commanders. Working from concealed locations, the risk of retaliation against the sniper by the enemy is relatively low. Both of their eyes are replaced with the "Hawkeye" implant, a prosthetic eye that interfaces with scope optics to allow for shots of incredible accuracy. Vehicles- (TBD) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/59/aa/70/59aa708ac8d6bcbca67f4966ca6edff2.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/fe/37/8e/fe378e3e5c97cfb750faf112bc1026f7.jpg Other: Armaments; The Cybrans’ have managed to rediscover many once lost weapons and wargear over the millennia. Even reconstructing from scratch using Nova Prime's fabrication facilities. Due to their knowledge the Cybernetica Guard generally have more advanced weaponry and equipment than their wastelander equivalents due to the technological expertise of their Iron priestesses and Forgemasters. Bionics are quite common and devices such as weapon links and sensory feeds are also common amongst them. Some of these weapons are as follows. [url=https://cdna0.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/098/880/large/ryan-lastimosa-03-102010-ar-concept-rspn101-variations-rl.jpg?1457217346]Nova Rifle[/url]- The Nova rifle or designated RSPN-101( nicknamed Raspen), is the main rifle of the Cybran Cybernetica Guard. The RSPN-101 represents an out-of-the-box approach to assault rifle design due to improvements made upon it by the Cybran Iron Priest over the year.. Like many of the Cybran weapons the RSPN-101 are built from an ergonomic point of view. One of the main advantages of the RSPN is it’s highly modular design, allowing numerous modifications and customizations. The RSPN-101, is chambered for 5.56mm rounds, fired using an advanced galvanic chambering device that allows electro-galvanically driven projectiles that can damage both enemy infantry and armor, with an optimal range of 800 meters. Being easy to disassemble and upgrade with tactical gear, it also supports a 40mm underbarrel GL1 grenade launcher. Nova Pistol- This advanced galvanic pistol was a favorite among Cybran guards, and is designated R-B4. It possess acute safety features and onboard lockouts that make modern commercial pistols reliable, but weak. This baby still packs a punch, while retaining finesse and precision of pre-calamity builds. It’s electro charged ammunition allowing it to deal significant damage to lightly armored targets. 329-M21 Rocket Launcher- The M21 Surface-to-Surface Rocket Medium Anti-Vehicle/Anti-Air. The M21 CG fires 102mm HEAT shaped charged rockets. The launcher sports a 2x scope and can fire rockets over long distances with devastating accuracy, thanks to its fire and forget missiles. The mechanisms built into the weapon allow it to interface with optical cybernetics, allowing it even greater accuracy in the hands of a Cybran soldier. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9d/4f/a3/9d4fa3dc1af6a9121f2249fa03c887b5.jpg]Gauss Rifle[/url]- The Asymmetric Recoilless Carbine-920, also known as the ARC-920 or simply the Railgun, is a compact-channel linear accelerator that fires a high-explosive round at incredible speed. The charge time is approximately two seconds and can be fired with only a partial charge at the cost of lesser damage. A direct hit will kill any player regardless of charge time. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ac/63/3d/ac633dca6ccfe643300c4708d37ce2a3.jpg]Reckoner NR-4 [/url]-The Reckoner fires a .416 round which packs a hell of a punch with a very long range. Semi-automatic, the rapidity of firing makes up for the fact that the heavy rifle cannot be silenced, allowing a couple of kill shots to be fired off in quick succession before the sniper needs to change locations. They capable of firing over tremendous distances thanks to an advanced telescopic sight. Utilizing specialized ammunition constructed from heavy-gravity alloys with galvanic chambering, the Reckoner Rifle is capable of penetrating nearly all forms of known armor and can even pierce light armored vehicles. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a0/c6/ce/a0c6ce59847cd6b2449e6f78a871ffbd.jpg]Micro Galvanic Cannon[/url] - A 5.56 ‘micro-gun’ with multiple barrels the MGC can lay down withering suppressive fire though it is sluggish to wind up. It has a rotary autocannon, with 6 barrels cycled by an electric motor past a single chamber. The weapon was developed after the sixth Hulk Rush as a replacement for the mini-gun and Heavy Turret Cannon, which had been a common heavy weapon on Crab carriers until then. Optical Camo- Making use of optical camo cloaks, camo cloaks are hooded cloaks composed of a mesh backing, woven with thousands of ribbons of color shifting and light-absorbing material, weaved for its durability and ability to help hide the wearer. Battle Armor Implants- Cybernetic Plates is a type of battle armour used by The Illuminated Cybran. These armoured plates are designed to be worn for several years at a time. Secreted under a dermal layer of steel alloy are recombinant cells that harness moisture from the wearer and recycle it. This liquid is transmuted into a gelatinous unguent that coats the inside of the suit, preventing the slow abrasion of the wearer's body. They are designed to protect against both kinetic and energy weaponry thanks to the layering approach used in their construction.. Dermal Armour – Dermal Armour implants thin plates, protective weaves and impact distributors throughout the vital areas of the body, protecting them from harm with less great aesthetic or sense-deadening side effects unlike Cyber plates. As it upgrades the armour implants become more reactive, able to adapt to different attacks. [/hider]