Penelope moved off to the side and sat down quietly. She sighed tiredly and leaned back against the side of the wagon. The dull pain in her shoulder began to act up now that things were settled. She had been ignoring it earlier but since she didn’t have anything else to focus on, it was hard to dismiss. The knight groaned and checked out the bandage that the enemy had given her. To her surprise, he had actually done a decent job. She supposed there was nothing more she could do for the wound at the moment. Her gaze shifted over to Crow. A comforting thought came over her as she realized there really wouldn’t been a need for guard duty. Of course, William wouldn’t ease up on the thief so Penelope would still be stuck by his side. At least she didn’t have to be wary of him. With everything that they went through, she was more concerned with outside threats more so than him running away. The thought of sleep was very tempting but Penelope had to refuse. Her comrades would be staying up so it was only right that she did the same. Penelope stretched and looked around, trying to figure out how to keep herself awake. Her gaze ended up on the night sky. She watched it quietly for a moment. Something about the stars was always relaxing. “Crow, do you know any constellations? I only know a few.... I think that one right there is Orion’s belt..” Penelope said in a soft voice. Her gaze only left the sky briefly to look over at the thief. She looked back to the sky and smiled faintly. “Stars are quite amazing. My aunt once told me that they were the silent guardians of the earth. We can’t always see them but they’re always watching over us.” Her voice was dreamy, likely due to her own tiredness as well as recalling memories.