The brigand, a bald man with a sharp nose and a ragged scar down his right check, tried to duck away from Charlie's elbow, but wasn't quite fast enough and the blow meant for his neck struck him in the ear. He grunted in pain, the blow making his ears ring. He stubbornly lunged forward again, dagger slashing upward toward the monk's chest. [@DreadPirate] Tamra emerged from the portal next and the man to the right, a wide-nosed brute with beady eyes who appeared to have an orc somewhere in his ancestry, hesitated just the briefest moment when he realized his target was a girl. That moment of hesitation bought her enough time to bolt past him as his dagger swiped down behind her. But her lunge brought her straight into the third man, a short and stocky thug who barely seemed affected by the weight of the woman slamming into him. He brought his thick arms around the girl. The orc-ish looking thug turned back toward the portal just as Ronan was appearing, intent on not letting this one slip past him... [@AwesomeZero5]