[center][h3] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [/h3][/center] Elderian Haart was known for a lot of reasons. He was known to be compassionate when people were a little short on their payments. He would only break a couple of fingers rather than a knee or an arm. He was known as ruthless when people were a lot short on their payments breaking multiple bones. And he was known as an honest fellow, making sure they understood that if he had to run that he would kill them, which he did. Either way he was most definitively known as hard-working because no matter what he always got his money whether or not the payee was dead or alive. However, there were a few things that Elderian Haart was not known for. He was not known to be rash, careless, arrogant, or foolish. Yes, on the day he was captured he had happened to be all four of these things and it had been his undoing. While he was out cold when physically captured he remembered the fight quite clearly. But it had not confused him until he remembered exactly what happened in the wagon when he had tried to pick himself up off the floor of the wagon - no thanks to that blond little punk. What sort of prisoners don’t help their fellow prisoners against the men that captured them? He couldn’t really be that stupid. But what’s a kid to know? Their always acting stupid. [b]“Come on! Go get your boss! I’m sure mine will have some few choice words damn it!”[/b] Derian shouted as he rattled the iron-barred door to the collective prison cell. He rattle those iron bars for a few moments longer, small pieces of stone and clouds of dust fallen from the wall around it. But soon after punching the cage he turned around to examine the other members of the cell that he would momentarily call home. They were all a bunch of dumb kids. Little did he realize how close he may have been to avoiding this entire scenario. He was already so close to death in this life, yet somehow he had eluded it long enough to find this hell. What was he suppose to do with all of these kids? He’d be damned if he was about to play babysitter. [b]”Alright… which one of you foul smelling little shits has gotten me into this mess?”[/b] Derian looked around the cell. He examined each of their faces at least that which he could see. None of them looked entirely too promising. They appeared to be nothing but a few street urchins. He could only imagine what they had brought him in for. He had assaulted and murdered more people than he had cared to remember in the last two decades of his life. However, his only opinion of this ragtag group of youngsters was that they were thieves. Much to green around the gills to be criminals of any true merit. He looked at the boy in complaining about being bothered, the same boy that ignored him in the cage on their way here, [b]”Did I kill your daddy or something,kiddo?”[/b] [center][h3] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [/h3][/center]