[@Grey] [quote=@Liliya] Well, I have an idea. Different members of the group had happenstance responded to the same threats before, but the first time the group as a whole got together they were fighting off some baddie or another, the normal. Things were going bad, everyone was getting smacked around, even badass Alex got knocked back hard, a few feet to Ian's left. He made some witty, smart ass remark and just let the villain have it. Swirling hellfyre all over Ian's body, arcing and flinging off all over the place, totally awesome looking. The villain dodges a beam of death ala Ian, he loses concentration while tracking the villain, and one of the arcs swings a little far to his left. Camera pans to Alex just as she's getting to her feet, a gasp, and a thud, some acrid smoke for flavor. Next thing you see is most of her right hand, pinky through the tip of her index finger and most of whatever the actual hand part of the hand is called on the ground, the remaining flesh smoldering, and a big ass gash across her lower ribs just pouring dark blood, stupid ass costume half burned off and, what's left of it, still on fire. She flies forward, catches the villain mid dodge, and runs his head along the pavement for fifty feet or so. After that the villain is just out, unconscious, half dead, and Alex is leaning over his body left hand still squeezing his head in for a few seconds before she just collapses on top of him. Doktor Faust rushes to pick up the pieces, grabs Alex and just fuckin' books it out of there, cellphone in hand frantically yelling at whoever's on the other end of the line. Ian just freezes, totally stunned, while Swarm and Riley handcuff the villain or whatever and get out of there, letting the cops and EMTs deal with it. Ian gets dragged out of there by Riley and Swarm, and he's just in his head for a day or so, freaking the fuck out, right? Swarm has to frantically come up with some excuse why she can't go home, and the two are basically babysitting the mentally withdrawn half demon. Meanwhile Andrea got Alex to the Guardians who, with a combination of old, forbidden magicks to counter the atrophy of the hellfyre, advanced cybernetics and cutting edge micro-neurosurgery repair the hand, leaving it biological for the most part, and with some of the feeling and nerve clusters still intact. The ribs and internal bleeding were stopped, but she still has a big ass, very visible scar in a curved line from her bottom right rib up below her right breast (thank God for Alex not having big tits, right?) across her chest and nearly to her solar plexus. Bye, bye bikinis. So a day goes by, and in a daze Ian gets Riley to take him to a nearby church, which turns out to be one of those Catholic ones that are always open with all the pews, and he just gets on his knees and breaks down, and Alex, along with Doktor Faust just walk right the fuck in, in costume of course. The Hellfyre didn't kill her, but some of the mental aspects did get stuck in there, whether it was because of the magicks the Guardians used to save her life or because of something inherent in Ian's sorcery. Either way, Alex can literally feel out where Ian is, says she can feel it in the scar somehow and just knows, and the two are now kind of forever bound, and the team is formally, well, formed in that church. Not necessarily bound in a romantic way, she no doubt turned down all of his flirtations with smart ass remarks of her own, but in some weird demon/magick/soul kind of way. Something unique to Ian, some kind of supernatural identifier got literally welded into Alex, for better or worse (some interesting directions that could go plot wise). I would have to broach it with the rest of the group, of course, and it could use some detail, but I absolutely love it. Thoughts? [/quote]