I don't think there's anything [i]wrong[/i] with your opening post inherently. I've been keeping a watch to see if anyone actually takes you up on this, but the arena forum is actually fairly inactive in general from what I can tell; it's difficult to find someone who's actually interested in having a duel in the first place, let alone one with set specifications. I'm not suggesting you're being too picky; I'd be exactly the same way and want certain criteria, so think of this more as an observation rather than a criticism. Am I to understand that this battle will not effect the "Win/Lose/Draw" counter? I'd personally prefer to avoid battles which contribute to that due to believing it harbours a negative attitude between the competitors. Honestly, I wouldn't mind taking you up on this just for a bit of casual fun (and to exercise a little bit since I'm [i]incredibly[/i] rusty; spending so much time building the world of my main story project leaves little time for role-playing, especially with technology constantly sabotaging my data), but since I'm not particularly familiar with medieval fantasy settings (at least in terms of [i]western[/i] media interpretations), and the power-scaling of the desired characters is different to what I usually prefer to work with, it might take some time for me to settle on a character sheet. If you're not opposed to giving me some patience, I'll see what I can do and get back to you once I confirm if I found a character I was comfortable with. I would've responded to this sooner, but I wanted to avoid a repeat of [i]last time[/i]... Anyway, best of luck until I work myself out. If someone else takes you up before I confirm my status, don't wait up on me. First Edit: Just a few thoughts... I may go with a melee fighter in order to make it easier to hold myself back (my creativity really gets the better of me sometimes; the sort of spells I could bring to the table in the hands of an adept caster would almost certainly go against the specifications you have in mind; even my more basic spells can often be rather elaborate). More than anything I find that every wizard archetype I can immediately think of that would actually be interesting for me in terms of characterization would likely not fit into the "amateur" category I believe you're seeking us to play. I considered a more scholarly type, but that fell too heavily into the magic category. Would you be able to clarify what you would consider the extent of a "first level D&D" or "fresh new file" character? I'm not planning to create a powerful character, but I specialize more in characters who have experience or wisdom rather than the naïve beginning adventurer. I'm asking this more for the purpose of [i]characterization[/i], not "power gaming". Certain RPGs have you starting out playing the role of a character who isn't a complete novice, so I wanted to know where you're setting the cap exactly. I've got the building blocks for a (mostly) melee-focused character sheet in my head now and I just want more details from you. I did have an idea for a more powerful melee character, but I'm actually happier with the less powerful one currently so this should work out if I get the answers I need. Second Edit: Character sheet is finished; merely awaiting a response to my questions. No rush, of course. I've improvised and used a character sheet template I came up with on the spot since there was no mention of one here; if you have a specific sheet in mind then post it to me. I used whatever concepts I felt like I was versed in for the setting, but I don't know the settings you used as an example very well.