[@Mag Lev] [h1][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]The Gorgas[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]Height:[/color][/b] 9-18 ft [b][color=6ecff6]Weight:[/color][/b] 805-1,234 lbs [b][color=6ecff6]Physical Description:[/color][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/fb/09/17/fb09177dc542620c0f98e803031cda94.jpg[/img] The Gorgas are a massive race of humanoid reptiles closely resembling that of their draconic ancestors. It is debatable whether to consider them true dragons, regardless they have many similar traits. Gorgas are hulking figures and are easily mistaken for monsters. They have two feet and four arms, with the second pair being modified wings. They have a medium-length and flexible neck as well as a saurian, draconic head that varies with its shape and features such as a narrow or wide snout, a variety or lack of horns, frills, etc. Their scales are large and diamond shape or plate shape, and have a variety of scale colors such as blue, black, green, and red. However the scales on their chest and underneath their tail and arms are pale-white and soft. Additionally, they will often have a keratin barbed tail as a sort of biological spear. Their doesn't appear to be any sexual dimorphism between males and females. The Gorgas, like their ancestors, have a natural affinity to fire. They cannot be burned by any degree of heat and can breath jets of flames from their mouth. Despite their size their wings are strong enough to support sustained flight. Their scales, except for the paler sections, are almost as durable as iron making their hide hard to damage. And as expected these creatures are savagely strong, the average adult could easily lift a boulder or bend a weakened iron blade with its jaws and teeth. Lastly, The Gorgas are age-wise immortal, as while they still age past maturity their has never been a recorded case of a Gorgas dying naturally. They also take a long time to mature, a Gorgas will not grow from adolescence into adult-hood until around a century, one of the many factors for the reason of their low population. While the average size is around 9 ft for adults, the eldest of Gorgas have been able to grow slowly and up to 18 ft. [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]History and Culture[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]History:[/color][/b] The Gorgas have roamed mostly between the Cour-Rath and Jain territories, favoring the extreme heat temperatures as ideal to their cold-blooded ectotherm nature. They are to this day far more primitive then other races, living in nomadic tribes based upon family factions. The few that have settled areas have claimed volcanic peaks as their home. While they have been mostly reclusive, in modern times the Gorgas race is at the threat of near-extinction due to numerous factors of their past. Family feuds were strong between ties, leading them to engage in warfare with their own kind in brutal and tribal battles. Feuds often occurred over ill-manners, territorial behavior, and other primeval aggression. What would start for a minor insult between two tribes could easily turn into generations of warfare. A disease nicknamed Dragonsbane, a virus that only infects Gorgas and possibly other dragon related creatures has become widespread a few hundred years ago. This virus infects through contact, especially when blood is spilled, a common issue for the battle-loving Gorgas. The disease slowly drains their vitality and even their ability to breathe flames, until they eventually die of hypothermia-like symptoms and fatigue. Infected individuals will have much paler coloration in the scales and have difficulty in shedding their skin, as well as having glossy white eyes and having a weaker or non-existing fire breath. The disease usually kills a Gorgas between 2 to 5 years, and their is no known cure or treatment, especially due to their primitive understandings. Lastly, it is difficult for the Gorgas to grow into adulthood due to how long it takes, and they do not reproduce often despite their indefinitely long lifespans. [b][color=6ecff6]Origins:[/color][/b] It is uncertain of where they came from exactly, but they are without a doubt related to dragons in one way or another, if they are not actual dragons themselves. Their existence as been around even at the earliest known times of the kingdom's recorded history. The Gorgas do not record much of their history, so they themselves do not have a clear answer either. [b][color=6ecff6]Culture:[/color][/b] The Gorgas culture largely reflects that of a honorable warrior with family ties and equal respect. It is in their very nature, their instinct, to fight. However they despise violence without warrant, as well as any other dishonorable acts. The ideal Gorgas is one of true honor and courtesy that could rival a knight's code. Including but not limiting to, respecting other warriors, respect to the dead, respecting of family members as well as complete loyalty, fair duels and fights to settle disputes, etc. They do not fear death, but do not wish to fail their family name under any circumstances. While the Gorgas also enjoy precious metals and relics, they ostracize those that are greedy over it. Such treasures should be earned through honorable combat or a reward for their valiance, not from thievery or other similar circumstances. While there are plenty of Gorgas that have disobeyed and dissented from their family tribes, most still retain these Morales with valiance. Their religion is that of a dragon god, Kilgarrah, who they claim is their creator. Aside from paying homage through sacrifices of meats and metal, they are not religiously fervent. Aside from their monstrous appearance, the Gorgas are also viewed as monsters due to their cannibalistic tendencies. The Gorgas love the flesh of racial creatures, be it humans, orcs, or their own kin. Many Gorgas that defeat another in combat will often 'honor' their fallen foe by consuming the corpse, and making an effigy of whatever is left of that corpse, usually bone, to honor them. Like their draconic ancestors, The Gorgas seldom interact with other races. In the few instances that have, they have either reacted as savage hunters and warriors for the chance of tasting their flesh, or instead peaceful attempts of interaction and whatever diplomacy a small individual Gorgas Tribe could provide, with little success.