Krauss sighed as he rested by the campfire. He'd spent all day transporting supplies off the ship with the VTOL, often having to help unload the cargo himself. Even before that, he had to endure the expected impatience and anger of his passengers when he broke the news to them. Even now, Krauss couldn't help but smirk at the memory of a hoarse voiced Constance angrily berating him of his decision not to land. Or the shattered disappointment of Ed's face. Yet Krauss remained confident in his decision. No need to put him, his passengers, and the aircraft at any further risk. All this did make him tired though. Krauss did not share the excitement of the others to an extent. Sure, it was always fascinating to make new discoveries, but something never really felt right about the island ever since he laid eyes on it. Probably the one theory that stuck in his head, that kept him awake at night, was that the Ring of Thunder wasn't there to keep them in. Rather, it was there to keep some yet seen entity out. Krauss shook his head, pushing aside such paranoid thoughts. More likely, it was just some remote island with little on it. Zoning out to the ramblings of the obviously now tipsy Constance was all he could do to distract from his concerns. Her larger than life stories and ramblings. Ed still seemed irked by what happened in the plan, and had apparently decided to make a point of it. "I still blame you for making me wait," Ed said over his shoulder, to where Krauss and the others were located. "Thanks to you my motivation is gone." Krauss simply waved dismissively. "Ya ya, I heard you the last million times on the ride back, I get it." Krauss responded halfheartedly. He returned to listening to the drunk Constance attempting to finish her story. Before she could get to the apparent good part, a noise was heard from the brush. Krauss stood, staring in the direction it came from. "Ya, I heard it." but before he could say or do anything else, the two girls were already on their way to the source. "Ugh... Those fools.... Well we'd better not be left behind, right fellas?" Krauss said, following after the pair.