[center][h1]Sleeping Panda ʕーヘーʔ[/h1][/center] [sup]"That's my cue then... I'll be right back."[/sup] She said, with a small hint of sadness in her voice. She stepped out of the room to go and grab her weapons. The danger was apparently right above them, but even though Zann wasn't technically an agent and Miyu wasn't really a combatant; there were plenty of other Outbreak agents nearby in case something were to really happen. And also, she was a little bit useless without her weapons. Miyu's side-arm would've probably served her well enough in a pinch, but she'd probably need something stronger if she planned to actually fight. Her room was nearby, she opened the door and slipped inside. Bright light filtered in through closed blinds, casting everything into shadow. Some people found it odd that even though she couldn't sleep at night, sleeping in the dark as long as it was daytime was fine for her. The issue wasn't the light level, it was just that night made her feel vulnerable. When she had been younger, her night vision and her senses hadn't been developed enough. Even her father could get ambushed if it were night-time, there were limits to human vision and senses and the ones that chased them were experts at exploiting that. The reason she couldn't sleep at night was simply the remains of her old fear. Her time at the Outbreak Agency hadn't been enough to get rid of it yet. Sleeping in dark places while it was daylight reminded her of the few times they had ever been completely safe. The suitcase containing her weapons were on top of her bed. She didn't use it very often so she usually put her stuff there where it was within reach of the doorway. Inside the case were two gleaming, golden revolvers and the 6 claws which made up the Talon system. They were her father's weapons, which he had left behind when she found herself on the doorstep of the Outbreak Agency. She always hesitated before drawing them out. She knew from her father's journal he had seen them as little more than tools, but they were the precious mementos of her father. She drew the first revolver into her hand, then the second. The satellites lifted out of the case by themselves in reaction, and floated to their regular position behind her. [sup]"I'm ready..."[/sup] She whispered, breathing out slowly. Then she headed out.