Of course one could climb any tree as long as one had the proper ratio between one's own physical power and one's weight, which in Baxxink's case clearly was true. However also clearly true was that every tree you climbed usually left some traces of its bark behind on you as your feet and hands dug into it. In the case of the piss tree, well... these traces were well infused with the stench of pee and other disgusting things as well. The jump onto the roof was successful and there was an open window - who'd suspect that someone would climb the piss tree in the first place ?. There were voices heard behind the closed door, indicating that two people were talking in front of it in the hallway. The room's current owner or was it just a coincidence ? Who could know, but whoever had rented this higher class room had to have some assets. Several not super-precious, but still rather valuable items like a richly decorated pen, sheets of high quality parchment and the key to a coach that was standing down somewhere near the tavern waited for the intruder if he was daring enough. Vekyzz noted that the chair seemed to be pretty much at the brink of its limits, but he didn't care much as long as the thing would hold. What did disturb him however was being called a 'galoot'. And before he had even finished hatching a proper plan of retaliation against a single target, this petty excuse of a real musician added itself to the queue! Vekyzz' decided that 'lard arse' requested higher priority than 'galoot'. [@knighthawk] His hand slammed onto the table and was retracted slowly with some deliberate pressure applied to its claws so there would be superficial scratches left behind. Then, the man got up again. His glimming eyes were focused on the lonely harp player and with the pace of a zombie, but with much, much more straightforwardness and determination, the latter one was approached. Vekyzz didn't plan on destroying the harp, but merely... confiscating it for a while. Vekyzz didn't say a word as he came closer and closer, opening and closing his palms slowly as if he wanted to chop some flesh with them.