Alina kept a steady walk behind the Paladin and Death Knight, having done so so that she could keep an eye out on what she considered an abomination in its own right. The Light and the undead were always at ends, and while Alina herself had studied and learned several spells from the void, she often did not use them. To her, it was information, information needed to balance out the Light she used, and maybe even hurt those who were at odds with her. Unfortunately, she knew these spells would not to much, if anything to the Death Knight, knowing that the Light was a much more powerful tool against them and the legion alike. So when Eantu told Rina that he could heal her, it almost made her scoff under her breath, and to a further extent under her hood. She expected a Draenei to know what the Light would do to the Death Knight. Sure, it would heal them, but it wouldn't feel like that. In the simplest terms she could think of, Alina compared it to burning them alive. A scorching feeling that you can't get rid of, and besides, it wasn't like that wound was going to hurt the Death Knight anyway. As she said, torching it would do less damage, seeing as Death Knight's don't feel regular pain. Still, as much as she didn't want to, she couldn't have an ally be injured, not one who could be an unstoppable killing machine. They were deadly, she gave them that, but alas they were also the antithesis of what the Light stood for. Luckily for her, she wasn't going to use the Light. [color=#ffffb2]"If I may be so bold, Death Knight, I could just as easily heal that wound,"[/color] She told Rina, her hands becoming enveloped in spheres of darkness before continuing, [color=#ffffb2]"If you were a regular person, I wouldn't use this form of healing as it also inflicts pain, but, seeing as you don't feel pain and you can't be healed by the Light without burning from it, I'm willing to use the Shadows to mend you."[/color]