[quote=@TemplarKnight07] IDK, maybe a Mercenary, Bounty Hunter or Gun-for-Hire sort of character who travels around. Think that would make some sense, but then there's always those types of characters in this types of worlds, lol. [/quote] Btw, for everyone as this has mostly or entirely been talked about in the chatroom alone. Currently, there are plans to make Space hulks- massive space crafts that fell toward the planet and crashed before being buried under sand- as hidden couches of fuel cells, old pre-calamity tech, gear, working machines, computers, energy weapons, and information. Basically huge vaults of goodies waiting to be found. It might also mean that the planet was probably being evacuated thus many of these ships have a huge amount of supplies and have avoided being picked at by both the elements and Raiders due to being hidden beneath the sands. Thankfully for wastelanders, not all of these supply ships made it out of orbit. A huge sand storm now and again reveals one of these space hulks thus creating a large rush by many factions to these locations in the hopes of obtaining valuable and rare salvage. So in short the idea of Hulk hunters (I.E in the similar vein of Vault Hunters from Badlands), explorers who find these hulks can report them to a faction. No doubt just the info alone could net them a high reward. Just an idea for single characters who can get quickly involved with the story. As I believe the first even of the wasteland will be a Space Hulk being uncovered by a sand storm at the start.