Dallen pocketed the map and paid the whore. "Easiest caps I've ever made, mister!" she told him. "Sure you still don't wanna...?" [color=steelblue] "I'm sure," [/color] Dallen said. "...whatever, queer!" He continued to follow Breckinridge into the slums of the city. When the lights and the people were a good distance away, he walked out before the man. His hand stayed close to his holstered firearm, but he remained relaxed and calm. [color=steelblue] "Breckinridge," [/color] he said. [color=steelblue] "We need to talk." [/color] Dallen reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a pack of smokes. After lighting one up for himself, he offered quickly to Breckinridge. The two stood facing one another in the middle of a street, surrounded by decay and broken down buildings. A gust of wind blew by, pushing some tumbleweed past them. [color=steelblue] "I just want information. I know you've been asking around about the Pagans, why? Who's giving the orders to take them out?" [/color]