[color=9e0b0f] “Ohhh… so beside oversized poledancer, you are also master of bad puns?”[/color] Vala asked making a sarcastic grunt before tilting her head at the psyker who obviously seemed to demand an apology of all things! [color=9e0b0f]“You obviously have some problem because you’ve been trying to get on my nerve from the start… frankly I have no problem with your height or the fact you make height jokes on my expense. That’s fine… I’m smaller than you and it’s simply how it is, but… I will not stand to be treated like some disposable piece of furniture that you can lean on and then knock it about the place like it’s doesn’t matter…” [/color] [color=9e0b0f]“Receive an apology from me? Yeah right… I’d rather storm an infidel again than apologize in this case.”[/color] The mercenary stated, not really feeling any fear whatsoever.[color=9e0b0f]” Yeah… huh…”[/color] Vala was about to say something else when she noticed a bright source of light in the room. She turned her eyes only to make a questioning expression as the other psycker in the room seemed… on fire? She tilted her head, wondering what the other woman was doing right now. [color=9e0b0f]“Seriously? ‘Cool things down…’?”[/color] The mecernary said, making a really unimpressed expression, a finger reaching to her temples to rub it.[color=9e0b0f]” Please stop... your making my ears bleed... Couldn’t you make the pun any worse? Hey poledancer, we seem to have someone who makes worse puns than you.”[/color] She then sighed threw another look at the second psyker who seemed to want them to calm down. [color=9e0b0f]“You’d best remove that small ball of heat before the fire extinguishers kick in and you make everyone in the room wet to the bones…”[/color] She said finally cause if that happened, she may indeed shoot someone[color=9e0b0f].” Anyhow… I’m the one who should receive an apology for being knocked down by the very important psycker right there…”[/color]