“ ... cool things down a little?” Adrianne would suddenly become aware of the third party in the conflict, mainly from a blast of heat that had just washed past her as if somebody had dropped an incendiary grenade in the room! Turning around, she would look down at Vala, then over at Marie, noticing the burning ball of plasma in her hand, the evaporating flames... and the slight tendrils of black smoke that seeped from her person after the little display. "I don't think you should play around with that thing on the bridge, because... " Adrianne began slowly, raising a cautious finger down towards Marie, before the sound of naked metal and flesh clanking against the floor behind her caught her attention. "Open fire source detected on bridge. Applying immediate safety measures, in accordance to Dash 502 Stratovious Alpha, stigmatis Echo." Suddenly sounded the robotic voice of a nearby bridge servitor trundling around behind Adrianne as it turned its pale face towards the trio, before it raised its arm and displayed an underslung emergency fire extinguisher, aimed directly at them... Adrianne merely stood there, her mouth open as if to say something, when suddenly a stream of white, fire-retardant foam flew in between Vala and Adrianne, aimed directly at the person holding the plasma ball! Namely, Marie, who was immediately covered in a thick layer of foam from the advancing servitor as it diligently went on its duty to save the surrounding consoles and electronics from the potential danger! "Firefight process complete. Summoning cleanup crew." The servitor continued in its robotic voice, before trundling off to work at one of the nearby consoles. Adrianne simply remained motionless next to Vala as she stared cautiously at the snow-man that now was Marie in front of them, covered from head to toe in fire retardant foam. After an awkward pause, Adrianne would eventually crack an innocent smile as she looked around at the rest of the crew. "I can confirm that the anti-fire protocols on this ship are working flawlessly... at least!"