Ansgar was not quite sure what he was expecting when being informed of his reassignment to an Inquisitorial retinue, there were many things he had in mind at the time. This? No, this was certainly not what he had been expecting when the psykers and mercenary started bickering among each other, over the idea of being used as an armrest. The Krieger got the idea that being short was annoying, at times, hell, everyone in this room was anywhere from slightly to a great deal taller than him, but that did not readily warrant this borderline open brawl between the members of the retinue. Thankfully, he had no intention on relying on them to provide back up to him at this point, or he would be dissapointed in their infighting. Guardsman he might be, a line of work that required teamwork between squadmates to survive and take out things bigger than them, but this would only end in disaster. The flagrant use of warp powers was probably going to attract attention too, especially among those cursed Chaos followers who channeled the warp for their dark Gods. If the fact he wasn't already aware of the pyromancer's psyker powers from before, the sudden outburst of flames [i]would[/i] have gotten her shot. Several times. More like enough times to leave the remains unidentifiable. But he kept his weapon secure and not pointed at anyone, far enough away for the heat to not push him away further. He did eye an actuation lever for the room's fire control system, and had half a mind to pull it. The mercenary complained that she should tone it down before the extinguishers go off and soak them all to the bone. Well, most of them, Death Korp gear was designed for wet, abysmal trench conditions, among others, and can handle a lot before soaking the man wearing it to the bone. Of course, before he could act, a fire suppression Servitor rolled in and blasted the pyrokinetic in fire retardant chemicals, from the looks of it. Probably not something she would want to spend breathing in. Ansgar sighed, muted by his gasmask, and straightened up. [color=1a7b30]"Well, that happened."[/color] No pointed comments, no jokes, out loud at least, as he would not stoop so low, no pun intended, on the given situation. He'd already almost jumped the gun once, which he thinks was fair to do given the situation, and if someone had to be the sane one that wasn't engaging in this madness, then Emperor damn them, he would have to be that serious presence. Or at least the one not engaged in the infighting and arguments that seemed to plague them already. He could only pray that they would get their act together if something went south and a real fight broke out. He didn't expect it, but he could pray. Glancing at the parties involved, he asked a question that had been bothering him, aimed at the psykers especially, but the concern would affect all of them in the grand scheme of things. [color=1a7b30]"How do we intend to hide the presence of multiple psykers? Especially when they are very [i]liberal[/i] with their displays and self importance."[/color]