[quote=@Doivid] Eh, while I disagree with the current situation with Toellner, I never found Jorick to be someone who would abuse his power. He was always the first to take his licks for stepping out of line, and to speak up for not penalizing people. I know he rubbed some people the wrong way, but he was a good guy for the most part from my personal experience. We both joined around the same time and hit it off right away. :( [/quote] Meh. Don't get me wrong, I liked Jorick and I don't think he's a bad guy. I just think he had a massive ego and enjoyed having it fed into. I don't think he'd [i]intentionally[/i] abuse power given, not with maliciousness. I just think he has a predisposition for pompousness and arrogance that, particularly when fed into, naturally leads to a sort of unintentional abuse. But tbh I don't know the guy that well and have no investment in the issue, I was just chatting shit for old times' sake :')