[quote=@GreivousKhan] Heh, reading your sheet it seems my faction would love getting into contact with MK IV. Heck, they're probably the few people in the wasteland who can understand his A.I protocols and craft. It seems I am no longer the only one able to field bots. [/quote] When i read your sheet, i briefly considered having similar, or same type bots. But dismissed the idea since mine would be pre-war bots whereas yours could also be that, but from another faction, or post-war design. Who knows? The primary thing with MK IV is that this perfectly describes his knowledge and ability of running pre-war dreadnought fortifications. [url]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/234/739/fa5.jpg[/url] Also, all praise the Ohmnissiah ;P