[quote=@Klomster] When i read your sheet, i briefly considered having similar, or same type bots. But dismissed the idea since mine would be pre-war bots whereas yours could also be that, but from another faction, or post-war design. Who knows? The primary thing with MK IV is that this perfectly describes his knowledge and ability of running pre-war dreadnought fortifications. [url]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/234/739/fa5.jpg[/url] Also, all praise the Ohmnissiah ;P [/quote] It would be interesting to see how the two react to the other. In fact I'm pretty sure in the past 1000 years they must have at least heard of each other or ran into one or the other a few times. In fact I could see my faction thinking MK IV is a holy symbol or being in one manner or another. Quite possible an entire coven might try and worship him/aid him in one manner or another. Change the holy oils as it were. Maybe they saved and repaired him at some point? I could see any of those things happening easily enough. By the way not all my bots are up quite yet. Still need to throw up my walkers too. Also, [b]FLESH IS WEAK![/b]