[hider=Akuma man] stances are due to the chainsawacidfreeze death chamber warping his aura to such an extent that it is hard for him to implant multiple techniques into it in a single state, so he uses multiple templates (with ultimate messatsu counting as one, as it uses the divekick stance to add additional pathways that ncrease the fb stanceenergy use efficiency) to fit all his techniques sacrifice a stance to take a fatal hit ALL chainsaw things have cold heat sapping effect: FBs (heavy; light), aura, chainsaw armor. Also are covered in acid gel that permeates and absorbs itself into the target, while pulling away and absorbing into itself the oxidized matter, eventually converting a good chunk of the target area into a uniform, weakened product. Chainsaw teeth pass through eachother. regular stance switch: requires a handsign, concentration and a little time. all stance switches have cooldown any stance switch can be meterburned to be used regardless of cooldown. cooldown is reset afterwards. fireball recovery instant switch: uses the blowback from heavy FB and ex heavy FB to instantly switch stances, cancelling out the recovery. instant heavy fireball: when in divekick stance, the switch can be instantly performed by launching any heavy fireball. cooldown as normal. fireball stance light shotgunfireball - shotgun blast of chainsaw teeth shot off thee armor by a kinetic blast. can be further accelerated by bodily motion. Generates some resources. Can be used in any stance. Once per turn? heavy fireball - shoryuken motion, blowback that gives recovery frames, more damage, size and resource generation than light fireball, comes in form of a chainsaw sphere. can be cancelled into instant stance switch or ex heavy fireball ex heavy fireball: uses up resources, has special qualities, same motion and blowback as regular heavy fireball, can only be cancelled into stance switch. Many varieties. (lift/push wheel, succ torus) [s]static buildup: allows to release gusts of freeze magic that makes the target more brittle and susceptible to getting shredded to sawdust. particles that infuse themselves into matter. upon interacting with a heavy fireball they covert into a burst of heat and cause heavy erosion.[/s] homing buildup; max capacity for homing nodes at once; nodes are launched as projectiles that can be stopped, bound to matter and can home around and towards eachother. homing affects all projectiles that akuma man launches, unless exempt from said influence by special property (such as freeze in place) moved to fireball stance. when switching, they disappear Ultimate Messatsu: sacrifices divekick stance for the remainder of the fight in exchange for [i]multiplying[/i] the current resource pool divekick stance light shotgunfireball - shotgun blast of chainsaw teeth shot off thee armor by a kinetic blast. can be further accelerated by bodily motion. Generates some resources. Can be used in any stance. Once per turn? force dash: imparts a fixed amount of kinetic energy to his body in any given direction. has three separate nodes, each entering their own cooldown after use. cooldown gets shaved off by one post for all three nodes when stance switching from fireball to divekick stance, but does not tick down while in fireball stance. armor boost: two-stage armor boost that has cooldowns and limited duration on both stages, with stage two requiring stage one already active. act somewhat like Quebra's armor layering. Also has resource-using armor boosts. May boost light shotgunfireball. All around good stats DOUBLE LAYER CHAINSAW WIND AUTODEFENSE: skin layer is fuckken super chainsaws, aura layer is a sphere of winds that can be controlled by Akuma man to redirect attacks in a specific direction. [/hider] Combine with gravity guy to give curveball projectiles, homing, grappling gun mobility and all around good shit, give wave/gale style attacks for defensive offence, make 'em chainsaw fireballs actually hot.