[center][h2]Shakita[/h2] [sub][b]Location[/b]: On Deck[/sub][/center] It was before that Feras decided to jump from the Crowd nest in a nose dive, only to have her face (seemingly) crushed by the impact, that Shakita new that Tyrena had cause the ship to shake. Sure the Red head had a temper, but Tyre beats her to the punch when it comes to making her temp explode. Not just figuratively speaking either. She felt sorry for the bloke that was in her room. Now that she thought about it, she did see Grimjet sneaking about, but that was probably her imagination. Shakita didn't see that Fares get back up, only heard her. "Broke the bloody pot again, made a mess in the galley before I broke it, and the kitchen might need some repairs once more. And..." She huffed hard, "we are almost out of food. I can make due with what we have now, but Grim might not like the cut backs on meals, Fe." She can already feel Grimjet's glare already after she made that statement. Not quiet sure that he heard it. "Need to make a pit stop at the nearest port to stock up again. Maybe find work to pay fer the repairs and stock. Possibly get some live stock, some chickens so we won't have to keep paying fer that," She said that more to herself than to Feras, but knew the shorter woman was listening, and was not liking at the money that was needed. "Some cows fer beef an milk, sheep fer their wool and meat, and pigs as well. Maybe, if possible, I can get some fresh soil to make a small vegetable farm..." She went on and on about getting food like this was better than spending money Everytime that they docked somewhere. She didn't realize that the two Holy Knights where on deck, but ignored them regardless of the talk with Feras, which the shorter woman was probably seething at her ramble on about the live stock and how much money they were going to spend. To Shakita, this seemed like a better option than spending more money on food that rotted or was thrown away every time they had a feast or just a simple meal. Meat went bad if not dried and salted, fresh fruits and vegetables rotted in matter of days, and she didn't like to waste food that was needed. [hr] [@Holy Soldier][@The ghost in black][@Lord Zee][@Inertia][@GreenGoat]