[center] [color=crimson] [h2] Shinobu Shiratori [/h2] [/color] [/center] [@Cojemo] Shinobu seemed a bit taken aback by the whole situation. In a single moment it appeared that one of the guests had decided to start a huge scene over some sort of misunderstanding. Sure, it was likely that Shinobu was going to go off on the man anyway, this “[i] Fericks Whyd [/i] individual, as he had clearly been the one at fault. Shinobu had begun her “stance”. Though a skilled fighter in hand-to-hand combat, this was not the “stance”. The “stance” was her dropping her body in a fashion that seemed to almost paralle a mother scolding their child, but unlike the degree of kindness that could be found within a Mother’s tone, Shinobu was not a “kind” person. She was someone who acted to further herself. From the way she spoke to the posture she had, it was clear she was someone who couldn’t be trifled with easily. [color=crimson] “Kid? Who the hell do you think you are, throwing my stuff in your rage. Are you one of those “Neanderthals” I heard about? Maybe if you put half the effort you placed into throwing my bag and instead used it to make sure you didn’t take someone else’s things, maybe you would not be able to actually collect your right bag, idiot.” [/color] How could someone like Shinobu Shiratori be responsible for someone else’s misdoings? Even if they were both sharing a portion of the blame, Shinobu was more likely to believe it was not her fault in the situation. A cold-blooded, hot blooded lady who cared not for dispositions of her allies and enemies alike, so long as she was given an ability to do as she wished and could have a bit of fun doing it. Of course, “winning” was definitely fun for someone competitive like Shinobu. [color=crimson] “Just why should I give you this bag? You are a stupid pervert. You haven’t even put down my panties yet, asshole! Not only that, but your dumbass threw my bag like an animal in rage. Are you even able to come up with coherent thoughts or do your genes have more in common with orangutans than humans? Maybe you are the one that doesn’t belong here, bastard.“ [/color] Shinobu began to realize where she was again, after coming out of her rant of anger against this man she had recently met. Perhaps this was not the best showing of herself to others, but it wasn’t like she believed her actions weren’t in the right. To her, a man had taken her bag, proceeded to touch her underwear with his dirty fingers, threw her clothing around the room like an ape, then yelled at her. How dare a man have such audacity. How dare he yell at her for no wrongdoings of her own when he was clearly in the wrong. Shinobu was a girl. Shouldn’t a man treat women better? Women should be placed on pedestals, no? Either way, straightening up her posture and placing her index finger against the side of her lips in a seductive manner, Shhinobu began once more, clearing out her throat with a slight cough before continuing in a lower tone than before. [color=crimson] “Whatever. I don’t see the need to get so worked up over this. I’ll accept your apology now, pervert. Take responsibility. Clean up my things from the floor, and I'll consider forgiving you. After all, this is your fault, no? You don’t just go around and yell at girls. You’ll never get a girlfriend like that, cherry boy.” [/color]