[@Shoryu Magami] Well I looked into switching the ranking system which either started out of ranked and I didn't change it or I wasn't paying attention and I altered it by accident. However, it appears that the outcome would have to be manually entered. I would merely abscond from doing this until I figure out some way to get it fixed. Quite frankly, I don't care for the ranked system either. So I will look into either a) avoiding the ranking system or b) changing it to unranked. On any accord, assuming the liberties you have taken are too outlandish I won't harp on it given that the information was not available when you through your character. Chaotic good really isn't too bad for an alignment it just means that the combines a good heart with a free spirit. As for weight, a typical man of 6' with an athletic build would come in around 180/190 lbs easy. You could extrapolate from that. But realistically, it is not all that pertinent. It is just to make sure that a 100lbs character is not running around with 50lbs worth of armor like speed racer. The same thing goes for age. You can use a date sure. But in essence it is just to ensure that a 10 year old isn't a master swordsman or a vice versa a 50 year old is keeping up in endurance with a 20 year old. These are just immersive things to ensure that people are ruining my immersion while playing is all. I don't want to waste time doing all this writing if people are just aiming to be ridiculous. And finally, if you enjoy the details than read the glossary. I'm still working on it as I write this but its coming along. The problem tends to be that every time I write an entry I end up having to add an entry or two to explain a few terms that I've just brought into the folds that now require further explaining. But since I hope to eventually use this as potential for a Nation-RP, it should all be worth it.