[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/a-STAT-Hawk_zpsk5msrt5s.png[/img] Made his symbol blue just cause, left the buckle and barely visible ring silver. On a side note, I need to start fleshing out the rest of the enemies [and their stat cards] cause generally now a campaign would be twenty-five enemies total. That includes a big bad [Level 20 stats], a side boss [Level 15 stats], three generals in the big bad's crew [Level 10], four brutes [Level 8 stats], eight experienced henchmen [Level 5 stats], and eight rookie henchmen [Level 1 stats]. The big bad will of course be Brainiac 5, the side boss will likely be the Persuader, Sun Killer will be one of three generals, and the brutes and henchmen will all be determined in the next couple days. This is shaping up to be a nice game for certain. I'll have to decide on a couple more generals. If anybody's got any suggestions... ~KL~