[@ELGainsborough] I've posted in the IC now. I took a few factors involving your dice rolls, together with details about the nature of my character, all into account when determining how I'd react to your post, but if there's any sort of issue feel free to let me know. When I currently write drafts for my story, it's conventional for me to not actually include a space between paragraphs due to them not being present in the most recent light novel series I've been reading, but my fiancé felt it looked better on this site with the space included (hence the edit both here and in the IC post). I also used a few punctuation tools that I've never used on a role-playing forum before, since it's very uncommon to me, so I might be slightly inconsistent thanks to that. Also, I took the liberty of editing my profile (both in the OOC and the Characters tab) with a few extra details based around some of the categories listed in your own profile that mine was lacking, in order to create more consistency between us. I'd already decided these details out beforehand, but didn't post them up since I decided to post the profile quickly before you had to sleep. If there's any issues with the new information, let me now.