Abigail snapped the cigar cutter a few times, peering up at the bar. She noticed that the bartender was staring at him, of course. Out of habit, she smiled shyly in return and politely feigned innocence...best case scenario, Brooks might be able to wheedle some gossip from him or maybe even a discount. Either way, Abigail was too tired to bother getting up and going to the bar herself. Brooks offered the barkeep a pursed lip smile, “Iguana bits and a cuppa’ water for the lady at the back, and a scotch for me if you would.” He briefly shifted his gaze back onto the thuggish ginger further down the counter, mild curiosity getting the best of him as his gaze was instead drawn onto the brightly clothed woman just entering the bar, soon enough realising she adorned a set of vault 96 overalls. “Strange souvenir, that.” he’d speak out as she stops by the counter, nodding his head up at the woman as he refers to her attire. Abigail had also taken to looking around the Desperado, particularly around the bar where Brooks was sitting. Usually she idly pointed out ‘targets’, and she could see a few easy ones right now - a group of men in farming gear were playing poker on a nearby table, and one of them clearly had some caps in his coat pocket. A drunkard was trying to flirt with a hooker and Abigail could see the (probably broken) pocketwatch had fallen from his greasy waistcoat and dangled by his hip; he would’ve been too drunk to notice if Abigail just...took it. She looked away from the shiny, shiny pocketwatch and clicked the cigar cutter a few more times. Something she noticed earlier made her snatch another glance at the bar, and she was incredibly glad she wore her goggles indoors because her eyebrows raised in shock. Abigail leant back a little bit to take a better look, then cursed under her breath and stared resolutely at the table. “Of course he’d sit next to a Schmidt,” she muttered bitterly. The Brothers Schmidt were practically famous in Freeside, and in Abigail’s honest opinion, Redding was by far the most...unpredictable. She’d only ever seen him once in person, albeit for a fleeting moment, but the rumours that circulated afterwards lasted for months. She had hoped to leave those undesirables when she teamed up with Brooks, but it looked like fate brought her back to her Freeside roots...she just sat there and prayed that her travelling companion had enough sense to leave Redding alone.