How odd. Alina was expecting some sort of snarky or overly angered tone that most of these knights had whenever a priest offered them healing, but instead she found herself picking up a hint of warmth, something she would have never expected, from the death knight. It was certainly a different reaction that caught her off guard, but luckily she would have time to recover when a new voice approached the scene. This time it was one of the wardens they were traveling with, and she was most likely some sort of medic at that. After all, she wouldn't have mentioned tending to wounds if she wasn't, though her curiosity to see if Alina's shadow mend would actually work was rather normal. With the few times she had used it, it was often followed with some sort of lingering pain in the area despite being healed, one that often got her scolded for not using the Light, but she still used this technique on occasion anyway. After all, she found it proved useful when it came to torturing captured enemies that needed to be healed, as they wouldn't die, but would suffer as if the wound was still there for a short while. So, knowing that a Death Knight shouldn't feel any pain, except if it is the Light, the antithesis should actually prove to be quite useful in healing her. After all, the pain would be nulled by how a Death Knight is just a walking corpse with thought processes, and if it didn't, then at least she was one step closer to not having to deal with them anymore. At least the pain, if it did occur, would be nothing compared to if she used the Light. After everything was said and done, Alina simply nodded, allowing the power of the void to assist her this time. As the darkness coursed through her, she watched as her hands were entirely engulfed in shadow spheres, dark and prime to be casted. Aiming at Rina, she allowed these healing shadows to find their way to the wound in question, and only time would tell if it would hurt or not.