[hider=My Hider] [color=0076a3]Name: Tori Masui Age: 15 Gender: Female Personality: What are you like? Anything in particular that we need to know? Background: Give us a summary of your life up until now. Quirk: Name: Falconite Classification: Mutant Description: The most obvious part of her ability is the complete set of wings that sprout from her back, the colouring exactly like a falcon. These wings are strong enough to allow her to fly, and through her life her increased usage of them have strengthened them significantly. As well as these wings, she has a number of 'secondary' mutations, such as a third ocular layer over her eyes to allow her to properly see during flight. Her bones are also noticeably lighter than normal, although this does not significantly compromise the strength of them. Her eyes are still developing into fully-fledged acute eyesight, and at the moment she has to wear a set of glasses to adjust for this. Lastly, she has an instinctive ability to communicate with birds, although she struggles with the 'language.' Talents: Unsurprisingly, Tori [i]adores[/i] birds, and particularly birdwatching; it is not unknown for her to spend hours in reserves, attempting to increase her understanding of the language and simply observing. As well as this, she has a particular weakness towards techno music, and spends hours listening to it.[/color][/hider] Eh, this is the important stuff :D. More to come later.