[hr][i][h1][color=skyblue]Wendy Emily Lucker[/color] & [color=lightseagreen]Rowan Campbell[/color].[/h1][sub]Written in collaboration with [@Zombiedude101][/sub][/i][hr][hider=Kanye West/Jay-Z - No Church in the Wild (Instrumental)][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PVQU0UaZGc[/youtube][/hider][hr] [i][u]Hailey Boulevard, Silver Hills.[/u][/i] "What did I do to her?" Blake whimsically asked with a wry grin on his face, that sent shivers down Wendy's spine. "I merely [i]convinced[/i] her to join our Family, and look how happy she is now!" Diana had an off-putting smile on her face as Blake said this - as she leaned in towards her new "master" that made Wendy recoil in fear. Despite recoiling in fear, Wendy was still very disturbed by the display of affection that her normally aloof sister was showing towards this man. She clenched her fists. "That's bullshit! You did [i]something[/i] to her!" Blake merely stared down Wendy with his arms folded behind his back as he walked across the indoor balcony. He had that cocky look on his face that just told Wendy that he wasn't taking her seriously. He stopped, and gently placed a hand on his chest. "... If I were you, I'd be more concerned with myself." A Secretary, who was a African-American woman with some South American features, handed him a clipboard and he took a look. "Thank you Ivete - Because of you, the Family has lost a multi-million dollar facility, and I want that repaid in full." Wendy squinted, "... And how the hell do you expect us to replace that?" She asked as she stared Blake down. "I'm glad you asked..." Blake continued to look at the clipboard. "Wendy Emily Lucker, born in February-second two-thousand and four. Lived in Stadium City for a majority of her life until she was sent to Academy sixty-one after a scuffle in a library. Has a Power Replication ability that is limited to elemental-types exclusively. Described as introverted, intelligent, and very creative." He read off the facts that was gathered off the clipboard, and flipped the paper. [i]He knows so much about me.[/i] Wendy thought to herself as she recoiled slightly, taking a step backwards. She was disturbed that these people know so much about her - and for [i]what?[/i] Wendy was as unimportant in the grand scheme of things as they get. "Rowan Campbell born in November. Had a father that was a member of the Pure faction... and your family-life was quite dysfunctional until you finally snapped and killed him with your impressive magnetism powers." Blake handed the Secretary back the clipboard as he loudly clapped, rubbed his hands, and placed them on the metal railing. "What I see before me are two displaced children that were [i]destined[/i] to appear here before me. You might be children, but like any children, you can be groomed into something worthwhile." He crossed his arms across his broad chest. The implication hit Wendy first. "Huh, you want us to..." She trailed off when Blake finished the sentence for her. "... Join the Founding Family!" Blake triumphantly said, and that made Wendy worried. "Pay off your debt to us, and we'll let you go free - in fact, you'll leave with some benefits." That was when Makoto Koda, the tall Japanese assassin that worked for the Intimidation Unit, had sauntered into the room. She saw the scene, and couldn't help but cringe when she saw just what was going on. "... Oh no." Makoto said to herself. She briefly wondered why he was so willing to let them go free - they did destroy one of his bases, after all - but then it hit her; Blake saw them as a resource, an asset. Wendy was a power replicator like he said, and Rowan was pretty powerful himself. And from a [i]pragmatic[/i] standpoint, the two of them paying off the "debt" would be better than just killing them. But, Wendy had no interests in working for theses narcissists, and all she wanted to do was be done with them. She didn't want to destroy them, she didn't want to be a hero... she just wants her sister back and to be left alone. "Why the hell do you want us to join you...?" Wendy asked with legitimate curiosity. "It's just your natural talents that make you so useful to the Founding Family," Blake said as he leaned forward yet again, firmly planting his large hands on the railing. He turned towards a disgusted Rowan, and said, "I see you as a valuable soldier in my army-" He then turned towards Wendy. "And I see [i]you[/i] being a useful apprentice of mine. I could use a replacement, after all. You have all the right things except for [i]loyalty[/i]... but, you've got so much to lose here." Wendy briefly wondered what that could even mean. "But, [i]perhaps,[/i] I am being dishonest... it would take decades for you to pay off your debt unless you reach the very top of my organization - hell, even your descendants would be paying it off decades from the time you'll die," Blake said as he took slow steps, keeping his eye on Wendy the whole time. "So, let me make things easier for you." He grinned. "Well, [i]perhaps[/i] I [i]did[/i] put your sister under some kind of effect, and [i]perhaps[/i] I can easily remove it," Blake said, and Wendy mentally noted everything he said. It has to be some kind of mind control. "But, I want something in return, of course." Blake raised his finger in the air, before he scrolled over to the nearest Secretary - an Indian woman that was most likely under the same thing that Diana had to be - and put his hands on her jaw, turning it upwards while she kept a grin on her face. Her body changed - she went from an Indian woman, to a blue-eyed, blonde-haired, woman in mere moments. Before shifting to a dark woman with pronounced Ethiopian facial features. "I want different women under my employ, of course, every Secretary comes with a price!" Blake started off. "I'd say every Secretary is worth around... quarter of a million. So, to pay off your debt, you need to bring me two-hundred beautiful people and that [i]should[/i] pay off the building.... Add another five, and you'll have your sister back." He released the Secretary, and put his hands back on the sides of the railing. What Blake was asking of Wendy was... inhuman. He was asking her to become a [i]slaver[/i] just to get her sister back? That was... Wendy couldn't do it. She couldn't subjugate a hundred different people to the same thing that Diana was. That would just build a cycle of grief and hatred that nobody is prepared to stop. But, could Wendy be that selfish to ruin someone else' live for the sake of her own? No. She was taught better than that. "No..." Wendy said. "What was that?" ""... I said no!" Wendy shouted, clenching her fists tightly. "I don't want any part of your bullshit - I just want my sister back, and I just want to be done with all of this." "You heard her, we're not doing shit for you!" Rowan joined in, dripping venom in every word he spat out. "Let me remind you..." With one snap of his fingers the Intimidation Unit that had pinned in the center of the room flipped on their laser sights, and every man and woman with a gun had their rifles trained on Wendy Lucker. The girl had yipped loudly as she froze in place. Rowan raised a hand, ready to cover her, only for a few of the guards to train their sights on him. "We don't even use those!" Blake said, oddly amused. "They're just for show!" Blake laughed as he finally realized that the conversation was going exactly where he wanted it to go. He grinned as he separated from his Secretaries and slowly walked down the stairs to the ground floor. He raised his hand in the air, and the IU had lowered their weapons. "You forget," Blake said as he leaned up against the railing of the final step, with his arms crossed. "You don't have a whole lot of maneuverability in this situation, do you?" He asked. "And just in case you were thinking your little friends could get you out of this." Snapping his fingers again, members of the Intimidation Unit had thrown two people over the edge of the railing. They hit the ground with a loud thud, and Wendy immediately recognized them. "Jess, Kai!" Wendy shouted. "That should show you how serious I am." Blake had narrowed his eyes, with his eyebrows furrowed, and his mouth kept sharp. He spoke not with the same condescending amusement he displayed earlier, but with a dead serious tone that made it clear that he wasn't playing around, "Join me, or die, the choice is [i]yours.[/i]" Wendy was terrified upon hearing those words... He wasn't playing around now was he? Wendy realized that he was just toying with them all along - giving them the illusion of choice, only to snatch it away at the last moment, and make it clear he wasn't playing around. Wendy wished that she could find a way out of here - but, a part of her knew that Blake would never stick to his word, no matter how many people she enslaves... she gazed up at Diana up at top of the foyer. She couldn't see Diana like this... a [i]puppet[/i] for the Founding Family, and whatever sick things they might do to her. If there's no way out of this... then, Wendy is going to make sure that Diana doesn't suffer. She sighed in shame, hanging her head. What she has planned is not the best option, but it's the only thing she can do. She looked towards Rowan with her eyes drooping. "... I accept." Wendy said, sighing one more time. But, she had left an elaborate message for Rowan on the palm of her hand, which was angled in such a way that only Rowan should be able to see it. Written in ink, it simply said: [code]PROTECT ME.[/code] Before the ink faded away. "Splendid! I knew you would see reasoning!" Blake said as he stepped over towards Wendy. "We'll shake on it!" [i]Believe me, Rowan, what I am planning is the epitome of stupid, but we have no choice.[/i] Wendy thought to herself as she took steps towards Blake. [i]What I am going to do has a high chance of failing...[/i] She inched a battery out of her pocket, and her hand grazed it for a moment as electricity subtly shot into her hand and she switched to her electric ability. When she had approached Blake - Jesus, the man was tall. He made Wendy look like a twig in comparison. "... I knew you would see the light, Ms. Lucker," Blake said with a grin as Wendy reluctantly . "I'm just glad we've come to this conclusion instead of-" "Blake!" Ivete shouted. "She is-" Before the third word even escaped her lips, Wendy had already wrapped her hand around Blake's wrist and administered a [i]painful[/i] electric shock. The man, despite all of his size, violently convulsed as Wendy pushed the already weakened man over and he hit the ground hard. Rowan had her covered, because at the moment Blake fell down, Wendy stepped on top of him, and planted her foot on his his wide chest whilst both hands were aimed at the Intimidation Unit, arcing electricity. "Blake!" Diana shouted. "Back off! All of you, fucking back off!" Wendy shouted as the IU aimed their weapons at her. "Anyone does something, and I'll make his heart explode!" Her threat was punctuated by the electricity hovering around her foot, ready to go straight into Blake. The Intimidation Unit didn't even bother shooting at . In moments, Rowan too had torn apart the metal stairway from which Blake had descended minutes ago, edging the railings and torn steps towards those with their weapon sights trained on the teens. "You heard her! Back the [i]fuck[/i] off!" His voice was a growl, the metallic debris primed to be launched at whoever dared attack them. By the time the large man had recovered from the literal shock, he shook his head, and looked up at the girl standing over him with pure irritation. How dare she! He extended a helping hand, and she did [i]this?[/i] No respect. He was going have to teach her that the hard way! He turned his head towards the Intimidation Unit, and shouted. "Don't raise a finger!" Blake barked his orders to them, "[i]I[/i] will handle this!" "Wha-" [hr][hider=E.S. Posthumus - Pompeii][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GusLypfx7OQ[/youtube][/hider][hr] Blake shot his chest upwards, but when Wendy tried to excrete her electricity into his system, it had absolutely no effect. She was so surprised, that when Blake grabbed her foot, she had little defense against him. His superior strength was used to throw Wendy across the room, and she came to a rolling stop by Rowan, who quickly pulled her to her feet.. He loudly cracked his neck as he cracked his knuckles at the same time. He stared Ms. Lucker down with a smile on his face. Apparently, he went from being annoyed to amused by that act of defiance. But, Wendy noticed that his hands turn black... like jet black. For a brief moment. She was worried, but she had to stay strong. It was just the two of them. No one to get in between. "Now Ms. Lucker..." Blake said as he stood with one foot in front, and both fists were chin-length, and both feet are in front. "... Show me you are serious." Wendy grit her teeth as the words dug deep into her. "Serious?" Wendy asked as electricity arced up and down her body in a field of sorts. "You want to know how fucking serious I am?" Wendy pulled both hands back as the thick electric web engulfed them. "Well, here you go!" She had thrust them both forward, and fired a stream of electricity that clashed against Blake in what should have just electrocuted him. He put both hands up to block his upper-body, and it did little to nothing to him other than singe his suit a little bit. He shook his hand as he ran towards Wendy and swung his leg out hard as he could, and the impact of his heavy legs hitting her in the stomach at high speeds was enough to knock her right on her ass. Before she could even blink, his leg was raised up into the air over her. Rolling over was the only option as the moment his leg came down, it split the concrete they all stood on. In the middle of her roll, she had slapped the cold concrete with such force that she had turned her hand red - but the adrenaline coursing through her system made it impossible for her to worry too much about it. Her hand transformed into a grey concrete, and she had went from one power to another in an instant. She hopped up to her feet. Blake cracked his knuckles yet again as he cocked his fist back and threw it forward. Wendy's reflexes kicked in, and she side stepped the blow, and slammed her heel onto the ground, and caused a stone pole to erupt out of the ground and hit Blake square in the stomach. He loudly gasped as Wendy didn't let up for a second. Both her hands were thrown backwards, and were covered in bits and pieces of concrete that she had gathered from their "arena." Blake wants to see how serious she is? Fine. She's going to smash this arrogant bastard's skull in, and show him how serious this bookworm can get. Her hands were covered in concrete as if they were a glove of sort. She didn't know how to punch worth shit, but she was going to make this work, she swung her hands around like a mace, and the first strike slapped Blake across the face. The second strike was a quick blow that drove square into his chest, and the last strike was an upper-cut to the chin that sent Blake falling backwards. "Master Blake!" Ivete shouted as he hit the ground. "Good... I killed him! Are you all [i]satisfied!?[/i]" Wendy shouted. "... Not quite," Blake abruptly spoke, surprising Wendy who had assumed she [i]killed[/i] him. He whipped his face off, and Wendy realized that his face was jet-black like a smooth charcoal. The chips and pieces that Wendy had dislocated had fallen off his face, and he pushed himself back up to his feet. Standing tall, he outstretched his arm, and spoke, "Like you yourself Ms. Lucker, I too am a Metahuman." With every word that left his lips, his arm was turning into a black, volcanic stone, almost like an obsidian. With cracks that were glowing with a faint orange light - almost like he had lava underneath all of that. His entire body was covered from head to toe in this stone. His fist briefly exploded with fire like a torch. He got back into stance, with both of his fists up. "Except, the difference here is that I am superior in every way." He shrugged. "... I am [i]perfect,[/i] after all." He outstretched his hand and an inferno of flames came out of Blake's hand, and Wendy had to quickly create a stone shield out of scraps, and that wasn't even enough to take the brunt of the firey assault. All it did was split it into multiple streams. Then it stopped, before Blake came rushing and punched through the barrier with his golem strength. Wendy yipped as she slid off to the side as the shield was in pieces. The two came face to face as Blake took slow steps towards her. "Come now, Ms. Lucker," Blake said as he cracked his knuckles. "I said show me you are serious about getting your sister back... because, I have to say, she is excellent at [i]serving[/i] me if you catch my drift." Wendy clenched her fists... as the implication hit her. She knew what he was trying to do - but, deep down, she knew what sick things they were doing to her sisters. But, she couldn't. "Ah, I wonder if you are just as good as her! It must run in your genes... " Blake said, taking steps towards her. "... But, obviously, you lack the... attributes that make her so good at pleasing me." That was it. Wendy was going to shut this narcissist's mouth for good. While he was flapping his gums Wendy was analyzing him. Analyzing his fighting style down to his walk. He was taking a casual walk towards her that left his legs open instead of walking in a manner that leaves them closed off... His mistake. Blake dashed towards her yet again, swinging his fist hard as he could towards her, but Wendy had a plan. When Blake shot himself forward, Wendy had bound his left foot in concrete, as she made another glove out of concrete to cover her left hand and slapped Blake across the face again. Her hand was on fire, but she was going to make this work. Wendy fell forward, and quickly crawled off as she looked upwards and shot both hands forward. Massive cracks in the ceiling formed as everyone but Blake noticed them. Blake was busy breaking his concrete binding with his fist. It was smashed to pieces, but Blake looked up to see what Wendy was doing. He turned back into flesh to get the speed he needs to escape - but Wendy had quickly shot him in the back of the leg with a block of concrete. It knocked forward, and it gave Wendy all she needed to finish this bastard off. Looking up towards the ceiling, she raised both hands in the air, and brought them down hard as she could. That was enough to knock the already fragile ceiling over, and cause it to come crumbling down on Blake. Massive pieces of concrete and the floor above them came crashing down on Blake. Forming a massive pile in seconds as a cloud of dust engulfed the room. The second the dust settled, Wendy came crumbling down to her knees as she grasped the fresh wounds caused by her concrete power. She hissed in pain, but had to take it one way or another. Tears had came down from her cheeks as exhaustion was quickly taking over. "There!" Wendy said. "I win! Completely!" She forced herself to her feet. "It turns out your Blessed Three aren't so perfect after all!" Wendy said as she pointed at Diana. "You're coming with me!" "... On the contrary," A voice spoke from the concrete as Wendy quickly whipped around. The largest stone was shaking as it was raised in the air, and the black form of Blake Schmidt in his volcanic form was made quickly apparent. He threw the large chunk of stone to the side, and quickly cracked his knuckles as molten rock came leaking from the wounds in his body caused by Wendy's all out attack. "I wouldn't celebrate until the ten-count in over, Ms. Lucker." Blake then stood sideways, and raised his hand up into the air, and it quickly exploded into flames. "But, I am [i]glad[/i] you showed me how serious you are! How much you want your sister back!" Blake said. "Now, at this point, I have redacted my offer for you to join me. So, the only conceivable way to liberate your sister... is to kill me." He grinned. "I'll kill you alright..." An exhausted Wendy groaned, when she realized she didn't have anything left in her. She fell down to her knee, and looked up at him. Blake was interrupted at the end of his sentence by a metallic screech, followed by the sound of metal smashing against stone. Rowan had forced chunks of the metal railing into the orange fissures across the man's body, where the lava had begun to seep out. It skid with a harsh and metallic sound that was nails upon chalkboard. Blake bared his teeth - which were made of a shiny jet-black stone just like the rest of him - as the metal railing split off even more stone that belonged to Blake. The stone man grabbed the railing tightly with both hands, and transferred his heat into the railing until it had begun to reach a glowing red, weakening the magnetic pull he had on it. He looked up at Rowan, and grinned as he took a few steps forward. "So, Rowan Campbell finally steps in," Blake said with a cheery grin. "... I bet you believe you can stand up to me like you stood up to your father." The remark hit a raw nerve with the scrawny teen, who pushed the red-hot railing back further against Blake's own strength, fighting in a contest of physics until the sheer forces exherted upon it caused the shard of metal to break in half and almost disintegrate. But Rowan's wrath was anything but sated; "You don't fucking [i]know[/i] me!" He seethed, before slamming chunks of metal that had been torn out of the stairwell's steps into Blake's mass, aiming particularly for those [i]brittle[/i] looking obsidian teeth, each strike making another ear-piercing sound to the extent that sparks flew across the room. It was simple to merely grab into the chunks of metal that Rowan was sending his way. Blake's strength gifted by his stone form made crunching them fairly easy, and infusing them with his innate-heat was easier. He tried to pull it away, but it was a battle of who was stronger at this point. Himself, or this dusty, [i]insignificant[/i] child. "Ahhhh, child, but..." Blake trailed off, keeping the facade of a struggle going. "... I know enough." At that moment Blake utterly crushed the metal that Rowan was wielding into nothing, before he slammed his foot onto the ground, and caused massive cracks on the stone. But, that wasn't all, the cracks were emitting an orange light that was [i]funneling[/i] heat into the room. It wasn't long before the air was waving, and even the strongest of men would have a hard time operating in the heat. Beads of sweat were rolling down Rowan's forehead, the wave of heated air just inches away, the room felt almost like the interior of a furnace, his feet as though he were standing on top of it. The orange cracks in the ground were slowly snaking towards him and it became so intense that he had to back away, before it could burn him. Wendy already exhausted, couldn't take the heat that was filling the room. It took all of her strength to remain on her feet - but, she didn't have that much left after her brawl with Blake. She fell onto her side, as she heavily panted. "Ro-Rowan..." She trailed off. "... It's... up to you now." She muttered before she passed out from two different kinds of exhaustion. Only it was then he realized they'd backed him into a corner. With Blake approaching and running out of ammunition to waste on him, Rowan looked to Wendy's unconscious frame for a split second, then her sister... and the guards next to her. One was equipped with a heavy-duty looking shotgun which, unknown to him, was loaded with slugs. He'd never tried this before, but he'd practiced with small objects in the past. Now he had no other choice. [I]One shot at this, you've got. Make it count.[/i] The scrawny teen deftly twitched his fingers and pulled. Next to Diana, one of the Intimidation Unit let out a sharp gasp as he felt his weapon being pulled away from his control, aiming away from Wendy... And now pointing at Blake. Rowan hesitated for just another second, before feeling Blake's searing heat closing in, and clenched his fingers together. There was a sharp boom as the aimed weapon was expended into it's owner's employer. Blake took advantage of the brief hesitation to cover up his center of mass with his arms. The slug slammed against Blake, but it didn't do much more than leave several deep holes in his mass. Causing even more lava to leak out of his body. Before Blake could take a chance to fathom that maneuver, Rowan bolted across the room, hopping over one of the glowing fissures in the ground and around Blake's volcanic mass, hoping to take advantage of the seemingly cumbersome nature of his form. More chunks of metal were torn off from the walkway above, sections of the floor torn away and hurled straight at Blake's feet in an effort to slow him down. "Come now," Blake grinned as he shifted back into his human form, his body was heavily bleeding actual blood, but he was resistant to the pain. He slammed his foot up, and erected a pillar out of stone that blocked Rowan's barrage completely. He quickly turned back into stone as his fist was covered in fire, and he punched the stone pillar with all of his strength, breaking it into a multitude of shattered pieces which were flying towards Rowan. The scrawny teen instinctively raised his arms to shield himself and dove to the side, narrowly avoiding a chunk of debris which would've probably caved his head in, but by doing so he'd given up his footing and leaving himself open to attack. Scrabbling to his feet, he could see that Blake was closing in fast and pulled on the nearest piece of metal architecture that he could find - a section of piping which ran along the wall. With a deep, resonant groan, the piping was torn away from the rivets restraining it against the wall and slammed into Blake head-on, a jet of water that spurted across the room following soon after. Blake had thrown his arms up yet again, as the water had sprayed against him. The splash of water had created a loud sizzle as a cloud of steam had erupted from Blake, as his body was cooled off by force. "Ah, you at least know basic physics." Blake growled, trying to hide his irritation under that polite mask. The steam cloud faded, and his body was just black molten rock - no longer glowing. The molten rock leaking from his body had stopped, completely cooling off. He could still function fine, but he seemed irritated about [i]something[/i]. "But, can you pierce my armor?" He slammed a hand against his stony chest, and dragged it across. He raised his foot up into the air, and slammed it down, sending shockwaves through the room. Everyone who didn't have a solid footing was falling over, while the fragile ceiling that was weakened by Wendy's attack was sent even further over the edge. While Rowan's footing gave out under him, Blake turned back into flesh, and rushed him, attempting to get close as he could. Since, even without powers, he could beat this child physically. The scrawny teen had only just begun to regain his footing when he felt a shoe slamming into his side. Blake was standing over him, crunching his knuckles, as he grinned like a crocodile. He pulled his fist back, and swung it full force towards Rowan's face as the kid tried to force himself back to his feet, leaving a bright red mark beneath his cheek, before another foot impacted Rowan right in the stomach, winding him him breathless as he fell forward. "Come now," Blake said as he marched forward. "Don't go out in such [i]poor form[/i], Mr. Campbell." Blake teasingly said as he raised his foot up into the air, and brought it down hard as he could on Rowan's back. There was a moment where the kid felt something crack, though he wasn't entirely sure [i]what[/i] that was... only that he was taking beating from someone else who was bigger than him. But as he looked up, there was something about that grinning face that [i]something[/i] drove him to keep on trying to get up. Raggedly breathing, he clenched a palm into a fist and drove it into the ground in yet another effort to stand as Blake looked on, clearly enjoying the sport of it. Blake reached down, grabbed Rowan by his hair and firmly raised him up by it. He cocked back his fist, then nailed him square in the face one last time with a punch that held all his weight behind it. This would be the decisive blow that knocked the kid unconscious. Blake loudly cracked his neck as he peered towards Wendy. "Ah, that was a fun break, wouldn't you say?" Blake said as his secretaries surrounded him, quickly and meticulously cleaning all of Blake's wounds. Dusting off his tattered suit. "Master Blake, are you okay?" Diana asked, still under the effects of the brainwashing. "I am okay, in fact, I am refreshed!" Blake loudly said as he looked at them. "I have to thank these children - I was right when I said that they have something alright." He stretched his arm out, allowing the Secretaries to clean it. "What do you wish to do with them, Master Blake?" Diana asked again. "Ah, that is a tough one," Blake said as he put his hand on his chin as he considered it. "They've seen far too much for us to let them live... but, at the same time, I want to probe them on who is helping them." He merely shrugged. "Just throw them in the prisoner cells, we'll feed them to the machine after I get my answers." "As you wish, Master Blake," Diana nodded her head as she slowly walked over to her sister whom she didn't even recognize, and grabbed her by the feet, dragging her off into the darks of the base. While Rowan was carried off some some other secretaries. Blake merely cracked his knuckles, and looked at the nearest Secretary - Ivete. "Arrange for Zenith to get us out of here." "Right away, Master Blake," Ivete said as she pressed her earpiece, saying, "Zenith." A portal opened, and Blake and his remaining Secretaries walked inside. All while Makoto looked on in horror... biting her nails as the Intimidation Unit scattered. [i]Damn it, kid, you could have stayed out of this.[/i]