[quote=@Ms Morrow] Sounds fun. I've never played a villain before. [/quote] First time for everyone. [quote=@sassy1085] interest [/quote] Noted. [quote=@Wicked Sweet] Maybe [/quote] Hope to make it a yes. [quote=@Dannyrulx] I actually created a doc ock inspired character for a RP on a different site. Lots of tech, not so crazy as him. Time to dig him up I guess. [/quote] Its always fun to dig out the old toys to play with again. [quote=@Archmage MC] I'll give it a shot. Though my char might be seen as 'op' potentially, I dunno, we'll see. [/quote] We will see indeed. [quote=@Ashevelendar] Sounds good. I'm in. I can't do cannon characters...don't know why. Will play an OC. Any limitations on powers ? [/quote] I'd like to keep it just on the shy side of super-powered. Like the classic teen-titan/Xavier academy/Static shock, Shy of avengers/justice league. [quote=@HecateProxy] Dropping my interest here. Also, points for using a Jane gif. [/quote] So dropped. Woo, points! Eight Plus GM for 9 OOC in the works at the moment.