[center][h1][Color=DF0101]Haakon J. Elvsgaard[/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/b7/cf/cdb7cf9754449c877b71d1294663eaa9.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=DF0101]Location:[/color]Egyptian Museum[/center][hr] [Color=DF0101]"Protection? As far as I'm aware, cattle are branded for signs of ownership, although if this [i]Bastet[/i] now claims ownership over us, maybe."[/color] Haakon let a heavy sigh out, shuddering from the thought of thinking of himself as mere cattle. [Color=DF0101]"So from a crowded center of the ancient world to a not so crowded one. As long as that's true, I'm going with you, I have had bad experiences with visiting centres of fantical worship..."[/color] At the sound of Josephine exclaiming her excitement of an adventure compared to her just reading her scripts, made Haakon briefly question if he too was part of those boring days for her. She had never directly implied anything of that sort, but her overzealous clinging up to William was starting to give him doubts. But he pushed those thoughts aside, again, knowing fully well of what was important now. [Color=DF0101]"The voice? The one speaking in an undechiperable tounge? Well if that's the case..."[/color] Haakon began fumbling around in his satchel, looking for his revolver and if it was loaded, making sure not to actually pull it out. Doing so would surely cause more trouble. [Color=DF0101]"...I hope being armed is a viable option, Major Keystone? Someone's got to be able to defend us if these bastards are out to get us. "[/color]