[@Prints Avoid] Definitely noted. I can absolutely edit that part to be "She brought him clothes but he was already changed" and take out the reaction part. It's definitely what Joy would do, that adorably awkward creature xP. Another idea is "she took her pack with all his clothes and assumed he didn't have any other sets of clothes ('cause, you know, that'd be rational) and gave him a change of clothes and is never the wiser that she was a huge boob. Then he can just change into what he normally would and then she'd be so confused as to how he got clothes that fit him..." But I wasn't thinking and I didn't think to ask ('cause, you know, that'd be rational) Again, I'm still new to this "power-playing" thing, so thank you for letting me know. I admit, I got carried away. I apologize. I was just thinking "oh, this is nothing of consequence," but it's definitely something to show the personality of your character that I took away from you, and for that, I apologize. If you'd like, feel free to PM me and give so I can make sure it works for both of us...well, you...the only thing I wanted was the knock on the window... Speaking of which, yes, it's [i]intended[/i] to imply that it was Diego's. However, because I'm a vague motherfu(ker, it's almost impossible to decipher. Those line breaks are supposed to indicate a break in focus from character. But, since I'm the King of Structure (sarcasm), It was a "break in time" rather than a "break in character focus." I'd go into how my brain rationalized that structure, but no one would either care or (probably) understand it... So, yeah, my error, again. xP I'll fix it for my own sake and the fact that I feel guilty (and embarrassed). :)