Hello everyone Nifftaku here. Now let me say this I was on hiatua due to family and personal health situations. So if anyone sees this and wants to revive an old cosplay. Just please shoot me a message. I am aorru. Onto the good stuff. I am not overly picky about post lengths as long as I'm given something to work with. If you need to move my character sitting your post. By all means do so. I'm not a stickler for that whole "my character I choose what he does. Now I'm a rather open book with roleplaying I'm just gonna toss out a couple fandoms I'm in if that interests you great! If not please feel free to message me with your own ideas ^^ look forward to hearing from you. Overwatch RWBY Highschool of the Dead Akame GA Kill Open to POC or existing. I can do Female characters as well.