[Name] Name goes by: Karina Actual name: Lucretia [Age] 16 [Race] Half-Kitsune [Languages] Common Sylvan Auran Primordial [Background] Bonded [Class] Swordmage 1 [Stats] Hit points: 12 Hit die: 1D10 per level Str: 10 (0) Dex: 16 (3) Con: 16 (3) Int: 12 (1) Wis: 13 (1) Cha: 18 (4) Saving throws: Dex, Int [Level] 1st level [Equipment] (Please use the class description options.) Rapier Light armor 2 Daggers Explorers pack [Features] Race: Darkvision: Thanks to your Kitsune heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim Conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in Darkness, only shades of gray. Counter Charm: When you are a target of a charming ability or a spell you can use your own glamour to contest it. You must be able to see the target that is charming you. Using a reaction, use your Charisma saving throw as your contest roll. Your enemy uses the DC of the ability or spell they used as the result of their contest roll. If you win you charm the enemy for 1 minute, if you lose you end up being charmed and suffer any effects that the ability or spell included. In case of a tie neither of you are charmed. You can use this feature once. The number of uses increases to 2 at 6th level, 3 at 11th level, and 4 at 16th level. All of the expended uses are restored after you finish a long rest. This trait does not work against other Half-Kitsune. Background: You are permanently bonded with an outsider. You may ask it advice and guidance though it may not always be willing to talk. If you die the voice dies as well until you are revived. Class: Swordbond: You may bond with your weapon by meditating with it during a short rest. This will let you call the sword to your hand if you are on the same plane of existence as it. You may bond to up to two weapons at once Magic Shadow: Beginning at 1st level when you choose this Aegis, You add double your proficiency modifier to Stealth and Deception checks. [Skills] Proficiencies: +2 Deception (Cha) Persuasion (Cha) Stealth (Dex) Arcana (Int) Nature (Int) [Spells] Spell casting ability: Int Cantrips: •Minor illusion [url]http://engl393-dnd5th.wikia.com/wiki/Minor_Illusion[/url] •Mending [url]http://engl393-dnd5th.wikia.com/wiki/Mending [/url] •Chill touch [url]http://engl393-dnd5th.wikia.com/wiki/Chill_Touch [/url] •Light [url]http://engl393-dnd5th.wikia.com/wiki/Light [/url] [Keyblade Questions] I embrace the power of: The Mystic I give up on the power of: The Warrior