[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/234d1e6bdc06b1db26cd06f299cc4d35/tumblr_inline_mm97qi4veC1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr]Location: Egyptian Museum[/center][hr][hr]The array of personalities in the room were so far flung from British standards of social etiquette, Nora briefly wondered for a moment if she had given up on the possibility of an exciting and thrilling life far too soon. However, her hopes were squashed when the superficiality of her companions reared its ugly head. Mr. Drake appeared to be obsessed with courting Lady Munn in a most undignified manner, as well as displaying a proclivity for earning money as quickly and efficiently as possible, regardless of the social ramifications. That in itself was enough to make Nora skeptical of the man, but she did not regret her favorable words she had uttered about him mere moments ago. That was the way it was done in England--and while you could take the uptight girl out of England, you couldn't take England out of the uptight girl. But Lady Munn appeared to return Mr. Drake's affections! It shocked Nora to hear Lady Munn utter the suggestive phrase, and she quickly looked elsewhere, as to not show disrespect for the Egyptologist. Standards in Cairo were so greatly different from back in England, she couldn't help but be reminded each time any person uttered any speech. And with the starlet obsessed with her makeup and the journalist comparing them all to cattle, Nora began to wonder if she perhaps might have been better looking through her father's journal articles for answers as to the mysterious branding. [i]A gun will not stop a phantom,[/i] Nora thought, yet she did not open her mouth. The notion that a gun could prevent an invisible and violent force from further acts of branding was ludicrous. Even she, one who had avoided the idea of the mystical her entire life, had to concede to that. There were things stranger than fiction, and this, this was a matter of that sort. As the Lord Major referenced the voice from his dream, Nora jotted the phrase down quietly onto her notepad. It was the first time she had been offered a translation of the mysterious summons in her dream, as she regretted her inability to speak to local language. It had been improper enough for her to learn mathematics--her father would simply not hear of her learning Egyptian in any form. [i]Perhaps the site has moved, the capitals shifted and expanded,[/i] Nora pondered, attempting to mentally answer the Lord Major's question. [i]Certainly there were multiple cult centers--perhaps there is an unknown one at our present location.[/i] However, she felt her answers lacked grace or qualifications, and simply decided to defer to the Lady Munn's judgment. After all, what other options were available to a quiet girl from England, constrained by social customs and a life she found no pleasure in?