[@DriveEMOut][@IceboundMemoire][@Lady Athena][@Always][@cloudystar] Just as Val had told him, Rai stood his ground at the sewers entrance, ready to attack any vampire who was foolish enough to advance. One vampire rushed him, but he was blocked and quickly dispatched by Rai. [i]Shit. That's a lot of vampires.[/i] he thought to himself as he gazed at the oncoming hordes. Rai quickly backed up into a defensive stance so he could think for a moment. [i] Okay, so Cheren's in the sewer, Jean's right here with us, Ellie took off...[/i] Rai's train of thought was interrupted by a vampire who decided to attack. Rai just barely blocked his attack in time before delivering his deadly retort, consisting of three quick jabs to the bloodsucker's abdomen. Rai made his way over to Jean's position, six more vampires had decided to try their luck and were currently approaching him, Rai looked to Jean and asked "Which ones do you want, left or right?"