[b]Cecil Lavernth[/b] Well, beyond the disagreements that seemed to be taking place elsewhere in the room, it looked like things were going alright. Cecil kept himself out of that, if only to avoid adding to a more confused situation than there already was. besides, it wasn't his business anyways and he had no desire to be involved in whatever feud was brewing. The sooner they got on with the project they had been called here for, the better. But at last the final Master showed up, and Zelretch got things underway. That earned near immediate attention as Cecil focused on what he was saying, an eyebrow rising at the same time. So they were to be cooperating? Fighting some sort of singularity? He wasn't sure what it meant to be honest, but given the way it was described it definitely didn't sound like anything good. Then again, this was an awful lot of Masters to be competing in a Holy Grail War, so that part didn't come as much of a surprise. "Guess it's time to get going," he said to no one in particular as Zelretch finished, instructing them to do their summoning and prepare for whatever this problem was in the first place. If they needed Heroic Spirits for it then they were definitely in for a ride, doubly so since Zelretch was the one organizing it, and he didn't just pop in because he felt like it. Well, as far as he knew anyway. He cracked his knuckles before stepping forward, extending a hand out towards the circle and the shard of metal that laid within it. He had a fair idea of what he would be getting, now he just had to see if luck was on his side. "Gold and iron to be the essence, let purity and stone be the foundations...." Gently the circle began to glow much like the others, a dim red that quickly intensified as he finished in incantation. After a second or so the catalyst would vanish from his sight, with the brightness of what he was doing at the moment. He could only hold his breath and wait in anticipation to see if he had managed to do it, or if he had just made a fool of himself in front of so many other Magi. [@AtomicNut] [hr] [b]Alexander Nevsky[/b] From that circle appeared a figure in armor, chain mail around his neck, scale armor, a red cloak, gold medallions that designated the royal lineage of the Servant who wore them, as well as an iron helm that nonetheless bore an image of an angel upon it. In one hand was a red shield emblazoned with his own personal crest, while his other hand hovered near the pommel of his sword. Pulled from the throne of Heroes, the warrior answered the call willingly. To fight once again and to serve, that was something no ruler would pass up so easily. The light faded away to better reveal the older gentleman, skin toned from a lifetime of fighting yet also worn from age. He certainly did not look lie some peasant, and his gaze swept in front of him before settling on the dour looking individual that had stood before him. While not the most pleasant upon the eyes, it seemed that this was the one who had summoned him, even as the surging mana about him made it obvious that he was not the only one to be brought here this day. With his focus cemented, Rider took a step forward before nodding, looking upon the magus as an equal until shown that he should treat the man otherwise. "This does not look like Vladimir," he noted before speaking directly to the figure. "And you. Are you the one who brought me forth?" [@Beloss]