[@Joshie]Okay, for the team question, since we're going with Dragoon, then we already know the where. That just leaves the what. "A better question would probably have been what [i]didn't[/i] I destroy, all things considered. You see, that Dragoon kinda sent me into a few buildings and walls several times over, and not only did that shit hurt, but it was pissing me off severely. Now usually I'm able to keep my head in a fight, but I don't know what it was about this one, Maybe it's because I felt like she was playing with us, treating us like we were nothing but kittens pawing at the feet of a lion. Sometime after Polaris showed up, I was just barely holding onto my temper when I got sent flying again. At the point, it's all kind of a blur. I remember unleashing a blast of hellfyre around me, decimating the contents of the building I was in(apparently the lobby of the tech company Dragoon was messing with)." "After that, well, my Hellfyre attacks ended up hitting everything but my target, causing glass to shatter and metal to liquefy into hot slag until the 'incident' happened. . . . Yeah, that was pretty bad. I mean, considering who it was, things could've been worse, there could've even been civilian casualties, but I can't help but thing what would've happened if I'd actually hit her. While she miraculously survived Polaris' attack, taking advantage of my distraction to takedown the threat . . . no, not going to do it. Anyway, I'm certain that, if I'd manage to actually hit her, she'd be dead by now. Not only that, but I doubt there would be much of a body left either. Definitely going to have to take better care next time I feel a situation is bad enough to bring out the hellfyre. I know it's sounds stupid to say, but it's fucking dangerous. A weapon of last resort olnly, from now on."