Kayden leaped past Nuva to run down the Sorcerer. Purplish tendrils arced towards Kayden, but the Merc captain rolled below them at the last moment and booted the Sorcerer's legs out from under him. He rose up and stabbed the conjurer, ending his pitiful life for good. Cassilda nodded to Nuva, and sent her own mystical stream at the DeathKnight. She was not as spent or broken as the Sorcerer had been, her magic flying out vastly swifter. The DeathKnight held up his sword and used his Hellmetal blade to absorb most of the sorcery, the runes on his ornate longsword blazing and glowing white hot. She then leaped at the fiend, before backpedalling almost instantly to goad him into attacking. He was confident enough and strode forward ominously, inexorably. His blade met her sword and Nuva's maul, moving and twirling expertly as sparks began to fly. His weapon began to chip away at their weapons' and defenses. Until Haukford and Virgil entered the fray, followed by a nearly healed Morek. Suddenly, the DeathKnight was now vastly outnumbered, but it still held on for far longer than any would have thought possible. His blade whipped, and cut through Haukford's chest piece as if it were leather. The man cried out and fell back. They continued to press, but a lucky hit from Morek's huge axe struck the DeathKnight on the hamstring, sending him to his knees. "The Dark Gods will consume you all." were his last words as Nuva struck him across the skull. As the helm was shattered, the three souls the Knight of the Dreadlands had consumed billowed out of its visor like terrible smoke that dissipated in midair. Kayden cleaned his blade off of the Sorcerer's cloak, and sheathed his sword. "Cassilda." he said. "Beglamour one of these men and let's finish this..." The Prince then let out a light sigh, and looked about. "So...this is our new home, huh? It's nice. A bit dark but, probably from the blood magic." [hr] With that, the new Mercenary company lured the fleeing bandits into the keep, and closed them in for the slaughter. As some tried to escape, they had to contend with the party they had already met upon the road. Within 3 days, they had sent nearly 50 ears to the bounty collectors. Once they were verified, Kayden and his Conqueror's had won their guild house, and their ticket into Starkvale. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7shjBelSJ9g#t=11m0s]Cue Theme![/url]