[hider=Ami][hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161108/52c1ad334de5fece8bd8dcac2c4ea801.png[/img] [hr][hr][img] http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/369c49a4c0767694608f9e64533b52b1/http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj364/LightAngeles/Snow/white_haired_anime_girl_by_evermoredragon-d4iows1.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=dodgerblue]Name: [/color][/b] Ami Eindecker [b][color=dodgerblue]Age: [/color][/b] 15 [b][color=dodgerblue]Gender:[/color][/b] Girl [b][color=dodgerblue]Personality: [/color][/b] Ami is sweet but strange because when she gets near others she seems to be always restraining herself from leaning into them. Intelligent she is also quick to help her fellow students with school work if she’s asked. It is obvious why she's called Ice Queen but many assume that she might also be a cold and distant person emotionally but there they'd be wrong because she is in fact a very caring person [b][color=dodgerblue]Background: [/color][/b] Ami’s Mom is Japanese but her Dad is German and she has no siblings so she is the focus of both of her parents for love and expectation. Her mom is a Real Tiger Mom meaning she uses Gung Fu in Tiger style because her talent is extruding claws that cut through even steelplate and her dad is a massive sumo mutant type who is a peace officer. So it is a bit daunting for her having to live up to two such parents so she doesn’t even try instead she focuses on her own life being the best she can make it by focusing on scholastic pursuits. This means she doesn’t belong to any physical classes if she can avoid them and has come across as fragile. She has only stood out at school due to her grades but only among those who follow such things, or because most of her fellow students didn't like touching her because of her cold body temp. Ami may have failed the entrance exam for one of the more prestigious academies but her parents believe it was because of her shy nature when in fact she thought they stressed too much on power development because of their access to the grand facilities available to them where as the smaller less affluent academies needed to focus on school work which gives her greater options in the long run if she decides to pursue another course outside of the family business. It was because of this that she chose Kosei Academy believing it’s course curriculum more in line with the practical fields of scholastic achievement. She hopes to one day work when not engaged in hero work in the fields of Glaciology, Hydrology and other Geoscience disciplines that focus on the polar caps attending hero training more to please her parents than herself. The funny thing is that as a hero she is creative, logical, driven and selfless caring more for those endanger than for personal glory making her as much a hero as anyone around her. As much as she tries to escape her destiny her parents know that their daughter fights the inevitable and insist that she finish her hero studies knowing that she will experince the fire and passion that is the Professional Hero track. [hider=Ami’s Music][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHFPnprp7Wg]Fact of Life[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyUMYYc8lxU]Killing Me[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s_7oDMfjms]No Escape[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvD3CHA48pA]Karate[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm0vYTybvHg]Rin[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUiOylPbfV0]Light Bringer[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmI_Ndrxy14]Imagine Dragons[/url] Enjoy a sample of the Ice Queen’s favorite tunes and bands[/hider] [b][color=dodgerblue]Quirk: [/color][/b] Frostbite (Emitter Class) Ami can Freeze any object she touches by emitting liquid nitrogen from ducts found in the palm of her hands and with some effort she can manifest handful of the liquid and fling it as far as 12 feet from her hands and as a Cryogenic Ami is immune to cold temperatures. She does suffer an odd side effect in that her normal body temp is barely 62f/16.5c degrees if she hasn’t used her power and as cold as 34f/1c degrees if she has; at this lower temp. Ami appears to smoke or give off steam. She loves heat and soaking up as much of it as she can because it makes her feel so wonderful; this has drawbacks because if she hops into a normal hot tub it is soon shrouded in it’s own fog bank and if it doesn’t have a high yield heater the water becomes cold in about 6 minutes per 100 gallons. It is also why she leans close to people all the time because she so wants to draw off their body heat. [b][color=dodgerblue]Talents: [/color][/b] Dancing and Singing are very special to her and she has the voice and grace to do both very well or she can thrash it with the best her vocal power and range amazing[/hider]